View Full Version : Lymphoma

Little miss worry
08-04-20, 19:10

Looking for some advice or similar experiences. Im 26 years old.

It's a fairly long history so i'll try and shorten it as much as possible.

For quite some time now - 12 months or so, I have had palpable nodes in my neck, currently I have one up in the armpit (although unknown significance as just been on my period - im sure this has happened in the past). Just before xmas this year I developed an odd rash that didn't go for about 6 weeks. Visit to the GP suggested doing some bloods. Came back normal except for deficient vitamin D. Went back to GP few weeks later with rash and itchiness not resolving. Rash started looking like ring worm and the progressed to may of these patches over my upper body - second GP suggested probably something called pityriasis - maybe due to a viral infection as along with this rash I was experiencing severe muscle aches and pain in my left shoulder. So accepting her diagnosis I started taking Vit D. Fast forward a month or so, muscles aches disappeared as did rash. Case solved right?

Lymph nodes still up.

Now (I'll add I am a pharmacist and have been working front line during COVID) - for last 4 weeks had odd on off symptoms, sore throat, headaches, congestion. all the time wondering is this covid - felt fine and no was taking sporadic temp with thermometer which were ok. Then a week ago today took my temp in the evening - 37.9 self isolation for a week - i wasn't surprised as working with patients and public who aren't adhering to advice and coming out to pharmacies when family members have symptoms. However, I haven't really developed a 'persistent' cough, by breathing feels different and have coughed occasionally. But every day for last 7 days - morning temp - usually ok, late afternoon temp range 37.9 to 38.3. before bed - usually ok. I have had this low grade fever everyday.

But I wonder how long this has been going on for had I been measuring it late afternoon. I dont think what I have is Covid - I have no real persistent cough.

But now - all of this just reconfirms my worries of lymphoma. Lymph nodes, low grade fever, tiredness, occasional cough, numerous infections.

Am I being silly.... all bloods except vit D were normal back in January.

Many thanks in advance for any replies.

09-04-20, 04:37
You are a pharmacist so you will have considerable medical knowledge. I think that working in essential services during this time will have understandably ramped up your anxiety. Your temperature seems normal and it is usual for it to rise in the evening. As you know covid has quite a few symptoms and not everyone gets them all, some have a very mild dose. If you do feel unwell it is advisable to not work and you could get tested if you think you've been exposed.

In regards to the raised lymph nodes, there's another young lady on this forum who has them too. I did mention to her that some people with autoimmune conditions can get raised lymph nodes that can remain raised for many months. The fact that you've had normal blood tests is reassuring. Have you had an ultrasound and fine needle aspiration? Autoimmune conditions can do all sorts if weird things to your system!

Take care :)

10-04-20, 23:26
I'm the young lady! I've had visibly enlarged nodes in my neck for about 10 weeks now and they're (apparently) not cancer. So it is possible to have persistently raised nodes for benign or even idiopathic reasons.

Your temperature does sound quite high. It seems somewhat likely that you have coronavirus, albeit a mild case. That isn't surprising, given your line of work. Not everyone gets a cough, and some people have no symptoms. Or you could have some other viral infection going on.

Still, given that you've had the temperature for 7 days, and you've still got the enlarged nodes, I don't think it would be irrational of you to ask your GP for more checks. Or call 111, whatever the guidance is.

Perhaps your doctors will agree that a biopsy of the nodes is a good idea - that's what I had, and the results were clear (I've got my follow up appointment on the 1st May so hopefully nothing bad will happen then 😬)

Good luck.

Little miss worry
22-04-20, 16:05
Thank you both for your replies.

Just to give you a little bit of an update. Yesterday the fever (38.3) was more noticeable and having had these fevers for 3 weeks now I decided that I would do an e-consult. I had a telephone call from the GP who asked me lots of questions and eventually she said, the things that worry me are the fever and occasional cough, coupled with your LNs that haven't gone down - with things like these we worry about lymphoma (I hadnt told her that was my worry before - but after she had said that I agreed that was what I was also worried about). So she wanted me to be seen but the with complicating factors of covid - while I have a temp and am classed as a 'hot' patient I could not be seen at my own surgery, instead I was booked into a hot clinic.

Here I saw a doctor who took a very brief history and examined me. Told me I did indeed have a temperature, my HR was 129 but my sats were 99%, he listened to my chest and had a feel of the LNs. He agreed that I had nodes in my neck, but explained he did not think this was covid and I would not have to self-isolate any longer. He has ordered some bloods and I should hear from the surgery as to when they will be done.

So none the wiser, still worrying.

26-04-20, 11:16
Thank you both for your replies.

Just to give you a little bit of an update. Yesterday the fever (38.3) was more noticeable and having had these fevers for 3 weeks now I decided that I would do an e-consult. I had a telephone call from the GP who asked me lots of questions and eventually she said, the things that worry me are the fever and occasional cough, coupled with your LNs that haven't gone down - with things like these we worry about lymphoma (I hadnt told her that was my worry before - but after she had said that I agreed that was what I was also worried about). So she wanted me to be seen but the with complicating factors of covid - while I have a temp and am classed as a 'hot' patient I could not be seen at my own surgery, instead I was booked into a hot clinic.

Here I saw a doctor who took a very brief history and examined me. Told me I did indeed have a temperature, my HR was 129 but my sats were 99%, he listened to my chest and had a feel of the LNs. He agreed that I had nodes in my neck, but explained he did not think this was covid and I would not have to self-isolate any longer. He has ordered some bloods and I should hear from the surgery as to when they will be done.

So none the wiser, still worrying.

Hello, I hope you're ok. I only just saw this post. That does sound really scary and you must be so worried at the moment.

Have you heard back from the surgery yet? Perhaps they'll send you for a biopsy of your lumps, same as me.

I'm still worried about mine too. My follow up is on Friday.

I hope you get some answers soon.