View Full Version : It's me again!

12-10-07, 01:55
Hello anyone!

Sorry to sound like a broken record but i had such a bad night last night with my funny heartbeats. :weep:

I had them really badly yesterday. Had a terrible bout in the morning then they came back on at teatime. Felt like my heart had just gone crazy, beating fast, missing beats, extra beats felt like it was popping all over the place. I woke up in the night and wham there they were again. I got the churning stomach etc and that just made them worse. I ended up waking my husband and laying on his chest so i could hear his heart beat instead of concentrating on mine. Managed to fall asleep then because i couldn't feel anything from my heart.

I just kept thinking should i get up and take myself to the A&E then the thought of doing that scared me even more.

Gosh its so bizarre and bewildering. :shrug:

thanks for listening


12-10-07, 08:17
Hi Tracy

Sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. Anything to do with your chest/heart is very frightening is'nt it? I too get the racing heart/missed heart beats and the worse time is at night when all is quiet and you are alone with your thoughts and the constant pounding of your heart. The trouble is, if you suffer with anxiety/panic attacks etc, you focus on that, and then that makes you panic more.
What I do, is I try and read or listen to a relaxation tape when i go to bed, then, when i'm ready to go to sleep, i concentrate on my breathing, particularly if my heart is racing. Empty your mind of everything else and picture one nice thing - beach, garden, whatever and breath - i do 4 in, 6 out - but really concentrate on it. Before you know it you will be asleep - hopefully. It works for me anyway.
Hope this is helpful

12-10-07, 08:59
Hi Tracy,

I know it's hard, hearts are perticularly scary well sometimes when my heart goes loopy loo I do stress like mad! But you have to relax, take hot baths unwind. When I panic my heart goes second to non and skips beats. I try not to check my chest because I know it stresses me out more.

Try speaking to your doctor explain how you feel, explain what happens and see if there might be a sutable alternative that could help you out. It's better to talk to people than go it alone. Even if you see a different doc, or speak to people at the heart foundation (not sure if they can help) it's not nice to suffer in silence.

Hope you feel better soon, just remember to take deep breaths.

13-10-07, 19:26
I have ectopic heart beats all the time and they scare me to death.When one comes on i think 100% that im going to die,i think every single day that im going to die today,i worry about going to sleep and not waking up.Its really getting me down and im sick of it!!!!