View Full Version : Uterus Cancer

10-04-20, 07:20
I’m freaking out again! I had some light bleeding this morning, feel quite shaking and like I’m on my period! The thing is I have a Mirena coil, this is my second one and have had it in in for 3 years, I never bleed at all and usually get period pains around the end of the month! So obviously now I think I have cancer if the uterus! Anyone experienced anything like this?

10-04-20, 07:55
Hi, yes I have and it was caused by hormonal issues. My daughter had a coil and had bleeding throughout and it was caused by hormones. The coil does not prevent ovulation and sometimes this (ovulation) can cause mid-cycle break through bleeding.

Also if you are under a lot of stress it can affect your cycle and you can get break through bleeding. Uterine cancer is more prevalent among menopausal women and is slow growing. If your smear is up to date then there should be no worries. If it continues contact your Dr after the Easter holidays.

10-04-20, 12:12

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


12-04-20, 10:34
Hi, thank you for replying. I’ve calmed down a bit now, it’s not happened since. I am under a lot of stress at the moment, with my job and the current situation. My health anxiety is really bad at the moment, I keep jumping from one thing to another. I’m back to my toenail now, it has splinter hemorrhages in it and an infection, confirmed by pharmacist, I started putting stuff in it a month ago and I know it takes a long time to clear. However, today it looks like at the other side of the nail is going black or bruised, and my other big toe nail looks like it’s infected!