View Full Version : Help please. Cracked/broken rib. Pain! Heads a mess

10-04-20, 13:35
Ok I'll try get this to make sence but having a very hard time. Well 3days ago was working on a car and got hit hard in lower lefted back I'm sure I heard a crack/pop sound very sore but now 2days after the pain is moving to front of my rib cage like the bone but allso feel alot of pain under my ribs. I'm scared what if I have broken a rib and its hitting my lung? The pain is unreal. My hole rib cage and lung hurts. Went to doctors they gave me a ultrasound said my kidney looks fine and they think I have cracked/broken a rib and there's nothing they can do gave me panadeine forte I'm so scared to take the Panadeine. panadol ant doing anything to the pain at all. have a massive thing with taking any meds. Please anyone had this what did you feel how long did the pain last

10-04-20, 13:36
Y is the pain moving around. If I was hit in the back ys 90% in my front rib bone

10-04-20, 14:31
It's like a real bad pinch/burn feeling.

10-04-20, 14:33
Of course it hurts, you're injured. Take the painkillers you've been given, and they should help.

10-04-20, 15:15
What if it's it hit my lung?

10-04-20, 16:02
You had an ultrasound. You've been diagnosed and given medication that can help while you heal. Follow the doctors orders and feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

10-04-20, 18:01
Broken ribs are excruciatingly painful. I broke 3 when I got kicked playing football. It hasn't "hit" your lung. As fish says, follow the drs orders

10-04-20, 18:18
My partner has done this at work. He took nurofen and paracetamol for the pain and slept a lot. I think he found it easier to sleep propped up.
If they gave you an X-ray then you haven’t punctured a lung or they would have told you. It’s most likely a clean crack or again, they would have told you.
The pain should get better each day.

10-04-20, 22:18
No x-ray only ultrasound. Can't get x-ray for 1 week

10-04-20, 23:25
Broken ribs are excruciatingly painful. I broke 3 when I got kicked playing football. It hasn't "hit" your lung. As fish says, follow the drs orders
How long did it last?

11-04-20, 08:09
My partner didn’t even have an X-ray or ultrasound. You’ll be fine, just try and relax a bit, I’m sure being tense won’t help.

11-04-20, 12:19
What about a ruptured spleen?

11-04-20, 14:02
You don't have a ruptured spleen.

Are you taking the pain killers now?

12-04-20, 05:34
How do you no? they said something about that. And they can't check for that here.... and now I'm freaking out about it

12-04-20, 05:46
Are you taking the painkillers? I hear cracked ribs can be very painful.

12-04-20, 07:10
Oh Josh, just take the painkillers and stop panicking. You’re making it so much worse for yourself.
You’re still here, you’re not getting any worse. Your body is under a great amount of stress to heal. Help it.

12-04-20, 11:37
The pain is at the lower back now. I'm just praying it's not a ruptured spleen

12-04-20, 11:52
Why are you ignoring us, Josh?

13-04-20, 03:22
I'm scared and have a messed up head