View Full Version : Strange sensation in my right arm (occasional)

10-04-20, 13:38
I first noticed this a few months ago, after I moved into a new office (I'm not sure if this is related in any way, due to desk setup or posture etc). I am right-handed, by the way. From time to time I began to notice a strange sensation in my right arm, in the lower arm just below the elbow, on the edge of the bony part (where the bony side of the arm joins with the more fleshy side). It's not easy for me to explain this strange sensation, but I don't find it pleasant.

At first, I would only notice it for about 5 minutes a day while I was sitting at my desk at work, then it would fade away. It didn't happen every day, though. However, it seems to happen a bit more frequently now, and not just when I'm working (I've been working from home for several weeks now, anyway). It also seems to go on for longer than it used to.

Does anyone have any idea what it could be,
or if it's something I need to get checked out? As it's only ever my right arm, I'm wondering if it could be to do with the way i hold the computer mouse, or maybe if I lean on my right arm in a way that I don't with my left arm or something like that? But I've been doing office/computer-based work for about 15 years now, so if it's something to do with my posture etc it seems strange that it's only started in the last few months.

10-04-20, 18:25
Sorry for posting twice in one day - I think this coronavirus pandemic is bringing all my health fears to the foreground!

About a year ago I had to have my bottom-right molar (the one closest to the front) removed due to an infection. So nowadays I chew on the left side of my mouth more than I used to.

A couple of days ago I saw an article on the BBC News website which scared me - it said that almost all dentists in the UK had closed down for the coronavirus lockdown, and even patients with painful toothache often weren't able to get the treatment they need. In the past, I have had bad toothache due to the (since-removed) bottom-right molar, so I understand how bad it feels, and I feel really sorry for the people with toothache who now can't get treatment.

I then started worrying about what would happen if I got toothache in any of my other teeth during the lockdown. So I've been hyper-vigilant about my teeth in the last 2 days. I keep getting the urge to run my tongue over my teeth to check they're OK. I'm convinced that my bottom-left molar has changed slightly in the last day or so - it feels a bit different against my tongue. When I look at it in the mirror, I can see that it has dimples in all 4 corners, but the dimple on the bottom-left (closest to the front of my mouth) seems to have widened in the last day or so. It looks a bit like someone has stuck a thin needle into the corner of the tooth and left behind a dimple.

It's not painful or anything, but I'm worried that it's going to end up the same way as my bottom-right molar and ultimately end up being extracted within a few months or years. I remember the bottom-right molar also had dimples in the corners in the months before it became chipped and infected. I had that tooth filled, but it would wear down every 18 months or so and have to be refilled. The second time it got infected, antibiotics didn't work and it had to be extracted, which was quite traumatic for me at the time. So that's why I'm worried about it happening again with my bottom-left molar, and I especially don't want anything bad to happen during this lockdown.