View Full Version : Hot, dizzy and faint feeling before going to the loo!

10-04-20, 18:59
Firstly I’d like to say that I hope everyone is keeping safe and well. So it was half hour after eating my lunch and I was stood on my doorstep talking to my parents (2 metres away and they literally called by for a minute on their daily walk!) I felt a cramping like heaviness in stomach which made me feel like I needed to sit down but I stayed stood up. After a few second this heat rose through me, my head felt like it was being squashed, my eyes went strange and I thought I was gonna pass out. I sat down and it soon passed but after standing again it happened again and I felt the need to rush to bathroom. It wasn’t diarrhoea but also wasn’t firm (sorry for that). After that it stopped and I’ve just been feeling a bit crap but I’m thinking now it’s just coz I’m worried about what happened.
I stupidly googled it expecting to find something simple and all I got was heart problems and heart failure etc. Has anyone had this and does it sound like a heart problem. Why would needing a poo make you want to faint? Thanks in advance for any help xx