View Full Version : Hi there!

12-10-07, 10:09
Hi everyone,
I'm new and I'm worried about my daughter. She's 16 and has recently been getting what seems to be panic attacks. Perhaps someone can confirm that the following symptoms are common to panic attacks: her throat seizes up, she can't breathe and pants very fast, she starts crying and can't stop but doesn't know the reason, her senses are heightened (she smells, hears fells everything more than usual and it 'freaks her out!'). She also seems to have a nervous habit of scratching her finger and can't stop washing her hands. THis sounds like OCD but she is not obsessive about keeping her room tidy (I wish!!)

I have taken her to the docs and she sent her for blood tests which were done yesterday. I really don't want her to go on any medication if possible and would like to have some sort of natural remedy, if indeed panic attacks are what she is suffering (yhet to be confirmed),

Any advice/help would be very gratefully received, but I don't ,manage to get on the comp much having three children, so don't be offended if I don't reply straight away x

12-10-07, 11:00
hi katies mum...
and welcome to nmp... you will get loads of good advice here
my youngest is 12 and she suffers from the same symptoms.
she suffers from asthma but not badley but when she is having a panic attack it looks very similar... she cant breath, shakes, crys and doesnt know why... i just try to calm her down and re assure her...
ive had to pick her up from school before now...
im affraid i dont really have any advice but just wanted to let you know you are not alone and nor is your daughter.
im sure others will be along soon with some advice

12-10-07, 11:24
Hi Katiesmum,

I was a similar age when i first started having panic attacks and my symptoms were also similar. It's good that you have taken her to the doctors because it's always better to rule everything else out first.

If it does turn out that your daughter is suffering from panic attacks, then there is so much help out there now, your doctor will inform you of all the options available.
Also have a good read through the threads on the forum, there is lots of usefull information on there.

Sorry i can't be of more help but i just wanted to let you know i was thinking of you and wish you and your daughter lots of luck.


Love Lisa

12-10-07, 11:26
Hello katie :welcome:to you!

Glad you came here - have a look at 'Panic Attacks' and 'Symptoms' in the the Problems/Issues section of the menu on the left hand side of this page.

I can understand you not wanting your daughter to go on medication at that young age - what did the doc say about it?

Try not to worry too much, you'll find plenty of help and support here.

Pleased to meet you!


12-10-07, 13:29

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

12-10-07, 13:59
Hi Katiesmum and :welcome:

I'm sure you'll find lots of useful information here. You're doing all the right things by taking her to the doctors and trying to learn about panic attacks (incase that's what it is). I suffer from some of the symptoms you describe and I've heard of them all in terms of anxiety.

The OCD link on the left might help as well as the panic attack and symptoms ones. I think OCD can take on the form of washing as it can centre around hygiene.

There are plenty of ways to counter anxiety if that's what it turns out to be. There is therapy available such as cognitive behavioural therapy, natural remedies such as Rescue Remedy, and other therapies like hypnotherapy.

Take care,

Mike :)

12-10-07, 15:21
Hello Katiesmum And Welcome To The Site Im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Information Here I Wish Both Of You The Best........linda

12-10-07, 16:12

12-10-07, 16:49
Thanks everyone, lots of good advice there. The blood test results won't be back til next week and the doc didn't mention medication yet as she is still trying to diagnose the prob. I do feel nervous about medication though and agree that natural remedies will be best. I have an appointment for her now (just leaving) for a free consultation with a 'Centre for Pure Ayurvedic Massage Therapy'. Will let you know how it goes!

12-10-07, 18:14
Hi Katiesmum and Katie

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Certainly have a read of the website pages on the left for loads of great advice and tips on how to cope.

12-10-07, 18:38
We had the appointment - we filled out a long list of symptoms and the lady said that she could go back in a week with the results of the blood test and be given some herbal remedy. She also recommended a full body massage where the oil that they use is medicated - it lasts for 1 hour and 15 mins. Not sure my daughter is up for having a massage - she's very funny about being touched - especially by strangers

12-10-07, 19:44
Hello Katiesmum!

Well, that sounds quite promising eh?

I'm sure you'd be able to stay with your daughter while she has the massage if she feels uncomfortable with a stranger.

When I had one (not under the same circumstances) I felt the same but it helped to think of the masseur as sort of 'medical' - this kept any embarrassment or awkward fellings at bay!

Hope it goes well for you and your daughter.

Thanks for the update!


12-10-07, 22:38
Hi Katiesmum,

Welcome to the site. I'm so glad you are taking Katie to the doctor and not ignoring her symptoms. It sounds to me like she may be having panic problems. She also may be having some OCD problems. OCD is not all the same. If I were you, I would read anything and everything I could regarding OCD if she continues to wash her hands endlessly. If her blood tests show nothing you might consider psychotherapy sessions or CBT.

My OCD did manifest itself with cleaning the house etc., (spent hours and hours doing it) but not my body, so my point is it can be different. I do agree with you that I personally think she is too young for anti-depressant medications. Good luck and let us know what happens. She would be most welcome on this site too.



13-10-07, 00:49
Hello and welcome!

Regarding what appear to be panic attacks, ask your daughter if there's a trigger that starts them. What is she thinking when they occur or perhaps the situation she is in, or are they just random? If they are panic attacks, they'll be triggered by whatever is scaring her. It is best to rule other things out as well such as asthma but because because she has other anxiety problems I would suspect that they are panic attacks.

Washing her hands so frequently will probably be because she has an exaggerated fear of picking up germs. I used to suffer from this. It links in well with her finger habit.

Both panic attacks and OCD can be effectively cured with therapy so in my opinion there is no need for medication but the doctor might suggest it to help her. I'd push for therapy though as often sufferers have to wait for a place. When I was her age I had similar problems but I coped without medication.

Ask her what's frightening her and give her reassurance. Tell her to take slow deep breaths and perhaps have a paper bag handy because breathing into it will help regulate the breathing. Hope that helps.

13-10-07, 11:36
Thanks Laura, yes I will tell her to join the site too as I'm sure she'll find it very useful. What is CBT?

13-10-07, 11:49
Good idea about the paper bag. I have asked her to make a diary of what happens to trigger the attacks but have yet to see one x

14-10-07, 01:10
Hello again,

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It's probably the most effective form of treatment as it delves into the reasons that cause the sufferers anxiety and helps the sufferer to confront their anxieties to help them regain their lives. It's a very good alternative to medication.

The problem in the past has always been getting this treatment due to long waiting lists and lack of therapists but it varies according to locality. It's certainly worthwhile pursuing and pushing her doctor.

Sometimes it takes gentle coaxing and reassurance to get to the bottom of things as the sufferer can be too afraid to talk about it.

I wish you and your daughter well. :hugs:

14-10-07, 12:19
Hello Katie's mum and Katie

Welcome to the site. Hope that you have found so helpful advice here. I know you will make lots of friends.

Yes there are lots of natural remedies out there. I am currently taking Seredyn, check them out at Seredyn.com. If this does turn out to be panic attacks.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better.