View Full Version : I feel like my personality is fake

13-04-20, 01:31
Hey everyone.
It seems this virus business has taken its toll on me, but not in a way I expected. For the past few weeks, I've been having intense but fruitless battles with myself, my head telling me every waking minute that everything I do is not a true expression of myself and that I just put different masks on and act like people I know or fictional characters I like. Do I really think this is the case? Not really. I know we all take from others and from fiction to some extent and I know that different aspects of one's personality may be more prominent in some situations compared to others. However, this feeling is hard to shake and is starting to get me down, and has even distracted me from things I really need to do. I think this quarantine has just given me too much time to ruminate and such.
I hope someone would kindly be able to offer me some advice about this.
Hope you're all staying safe.
~ Peter.

14-04-20, 00:18
For many anxiety sufferers, idle time is their worst nightmare. You need to get some new hobbies; find some new things that will keep you busy during this time off. Time to learn how to do yoga, or painting or gardening, learn a new instrument, put together a jigsaw puzzle? Also try finding some mindfullness, meditation or journaling techniques that work for you. YouTube has some great how-to videos for beginners.