View Full Version : tension inside head and nausea

12-10-07, 12:04
suffered from anxiety for 14 years but for last year or so feel absolutly crap, every morning i wake up feeling fatigued, when i move i feel like very nauseous but im never sick. I dont really hyperventilate unless i push myself out of my comfort zone but i feel crap all the same. MY head feels like its a strained elastic band, its not a very pleasant feeling, and my muscles all over my body seem to be sore, tight and achey. Id love to hear about others who feel like this, not just talking a few panic attacks here. Anyone?????

12-10-07, 14:00
Hi there,

I am feeling exactly the same at the moment.

The tension in my head, neck and shoulders is unbearable - and it causes me to feel dizzy and sick.

I do hyperventilate though - I tense up and hold my breath.

My whole body aches some days due to the chronic tension.

You are not alone:hugs:

12-10-07, 14:36
you are definatley not alone

i also get these headaches and sometimes they go with tablets most of the time not. i get up feeling tired and retreat to my bed making my whole body feel tired and achey - things to do i guess is to get up when u get up have a shower/bath to relax muscles good nutrituos breakfast and then distraction - well thats what i'm going to try and do lol

hope you feel better


12-10-07, 18:30
Make sure you are not hunching your shoulders all the time of clenching your jaw as this will cause more tension.

12-10-07, 21:16
ann and sammie b, I was going to say im so happy someone else has this but you know what i mean. Ive suffered anxiety disorder for last 14 years but it wasnt always like this, but in the last 5 years things have been pretty awful and have made having a job impossible. A social life aswell is pretty much a no go at the moment too. I wake up most days feeling like my heads in a vice, i try to go for a walk although my body feels like i have no energy, its a feeling of total fatigue. When i try to walk further from the house like when i take the dog a walk i feel like i cant go too far or i won't have the energy to get back, it also feels like i cant be bothered as if my motivation to fight is just in taters. Most days on returning from the walk i feel awful, its like a suffering feeling inside, i cant explain it any clearly than this, other than it makes you feel that theres no point in anything as you feel totally beaten. I then usually go back to bed for a while and then later i get back up and potter about in the garden. Normally i start to feel semi human, although i still feel like im carrying a ton of bricks around. A lot of the time i just feel like my legs want to collapse. I went to tesco's the other day with my mother and i almost feel like i can't walk another step, its like something inside me is screaming. Its an agitated feeling, it drive you crazy. At night a lot i usually have some calm but i normally just go to bed early as just dosent seem any point in doing anything. I do hyperventilate sometimes especially if im feeling bad and i go out of the house for a drive or sometimes even if someone just comes to visit. It comes on like i start to feel as if im suffocating, it certainly focuses your attention, ive had it a million times but it still something that i cant get use too, im not scared of it but it isnt pleasant. Its good to hear from people who seem to be suffering the same as i since all you seem to hear about is panic attacks, panic attacks are no picnic ive had them for the last 14 years but in all seriousness my life is a lot worse, condition sems to have progressed way beyond having a few panic attacks from time to time. Is this pretty much the way you feel? I run off to the doctor from time to time looking for a miracle but i know its pointless, i just try to keep accepting the symptoms and push past it all.

12-10-07, 21:26
I know this sounds mad but you will be more tired the less you do. Exercise will really help here and re-invigorate you - trust me it works even though you don't feel like it

Try swimming to start with

12-10-07, 22:27
appreciate your trying to help nicola but if it was that simple id be feeling great. I push myself daily beyond the limit of what i feel i can do, and im afraid it isnt always the rule that the less you do the more tired you are, some people are genuinely exhausted and their nervous systems will have been battered, sometimes rest is a good thing as more exercise can make you more tired and in a worse state. For example i have gone jogging when feeling shit like this many times over the years and have forced myself and have felt at deaths door for literally days afterwards with fatigue.

13-10-07, 17:18
Oh I appreciate that the nervous system needs rest as well.

Have you had blood tests and being checked out for things like anemia and thyroid?

13-10-07, 18:02
Hi Feelbad,

I have hypothyroid issues and have been severely anemic. The way I describe it is as if I constantly have the flu. It is a huge effort to just get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other. I also constantly ache in my neck, shoulders and back but I also have fibroymyalgia. These are all real physical conditions outside of anxiety issues. If you are checked by a doctor as Nic suggests and these conditions are ruled out you might be depressed as some of these symptoms can manifest themselves from that too. I hope you feel better soon.


13-10-07, 19:51
had all the checks done thyroid, blood tests the lot, im sure it is anxiety, just very debilitating