View Full Version : Reassurance

13-04-20, 17:46
Hi. I've not been active on here for a few years as mostly manage to cope. I no longer need to carry valium around with me as a crutch.
I guess all I really need is reassurance that what I'm feeling right now is ok, and that I'm not the only one. The current situation has really knocked me for six, and every day I wake up scared, then spend nearly every day feeling awful. I get awful stomach pains and can't eat (I have IBS so I know its logical); I feel my throat is scratchy and my ears ache sometimes (again, its logical because I have post nasal drip and occasional acid reflux); I get worked up and feel my chest could be wheezy, but it's not (it gets worse as my anxiety increases, along with palpitations that frighten me). I KNOW deep down that all of these things are normal, but how on earth do I stop myself feeling so awful all the time?? I'm sorry to go on about it and appreciate that many, many people are in the same, if not worse, situation. Thanks for reading. X

14-04-20, 02:30
how on earth do I stop myself feeling so awful all the time??


This really is the million dollar question (sorry, I'm American.) Ultimately I think what you really should be asking is, "how on earth do I stop myself from worrying about normal bodily sensations and symptoms all the time?" Our bodies, as you have very nicely outlined, are going to be symptomatic for a variety of reasons. Most of those reasons are temporary or non-life threatening. The real key to managing our anxiety is learning how to interpret those symptoms in a healthy way.

For example, my health anxiety focused for years on lymphoma. Any lump or bump had to be lymphoma in my mind. After a lot of therapy and practice (that is the key), I was able to recognize my thoughts as just thoughts and that there wasn't truly anything wrong with me. So to answer your question, practice taking deep breaths when you have these scary thoughts, note them as thoughts, and then move forward. Much easier said than done but with practice it becomes very possible.

Best Wishes.

14-04-20, 15:24
Thank you for your kind reply, it's very much appreciated.

23-04-20, 01:52

Your post spoke to me, on my good days I can rationalize that random symptoms don't need to always equate to something fatalistic. My worries then will exacerbate the symptoms and the cycle never ends. So far my 40s have been hell.

I wish you well and hope you find answers you seek. I too struggle too with feeling like hell for no apparent reason despite my very best efforts.

Best to you.