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View Full Version : Leukemia worries in teenage son

14-04-20, 10:23
Hi there I have not been on here for sometime now, I managed to get my HA under control mainly by not Googling and it has been a couple of years since I have diagnosed myself with a life threatening condition!

HOWEVER, I now have it over my son. He is 13, grew a lot over the winter upwards but not outwards so was looking noticeably thin. Not a concern in itself but he had a couple of upset stomachs in quick succession plus feeling nauseaous from time to time so we went to see the GP. She was not concerned about his weight at all, did a physical exam and as a precaution sent us to the hospital for bloods, mainly to check for Coeliac disease. These came back as normal aside from very slightly low white blood cells. I was told this was not a concern but to get the blood test repeated at some point. My husband had this when he last had bloods done too so I did not take much notice and wasn't worried. Over the weekend when it was hot, my son noticed a cluster of a pin prick rash around his knees on both legs. Not itchy but definitely under the skin and did not go when a glass as pressed over it. I'm afraid to say I Googled, more out of interest and off I went down the rabbit hole of Leukemia!!

I am now convinced he has it and the blood test must have been done when it was in the early stages. He was very hot at night for the last 2 night so that fits as another symptom..otherwise he is fit and appears healthy, eating me out of house and home and managing 4 mile walks with us and sports in the garden. I know I need to wait until the blood test is done again ( next week) but I am beside myself. I feel sick and cannot get it out of my mind.

Can someone talk some sense into me please??