View Full Version : WEIRD DAY

29-01-05, 19:48
Hi all
I've been a member now for a few days and I have to say when i've been feeling low or totally as if i'm losing it i've been coming on here, reading the messages and its helped me. BUTTTTT today i've been weird (alot of people who know me would probably back that comment 100% lol). I woke feeling really grotty, dizzy, tired and not wanting to get out of bed (but had to go to work). Once i got there I went into a totally hyper mode, like I had all the energy in the world. Now i'm home its like i've gone back to how i was this morning. Just wondering if anyone else has gone thru this? Sorry if it all sounds silly.
Tracy xx

29-01-05, 20:15
Hello Tracy!

It doesn't sound silly at all to me.. I have exactly the same problem... get u in an absolutely miserable mood, make it to work and am dscribe dthe cherpiest person in the office, then as soon as i get home my panc atacks startd, i start hyperventilating sometimes, tens eup, etc...

I simply think that it's because i am tired but mainly because i don't have anything to think about apart from my symptoms.. during the day I am so busy with millions of things that sometimes I forget that I actually have panic attacks or GA! Makes you wonder whether one should just live at work !:)

But on a serious note I really do think that being outside with positive people and surrounded by people who care, things are always much better... It's being alone at home tha things tend to get bad. I just try and call people, or go online... just try and keep myself busy (dancing to some funky music also helps a lot for me!)

I don't know whether I have helped at all... just wanted to let you know that if you think you are silly, then we are two!


29-01-05, 20:31
hi Tracy,

I have had that happen to me quite a few times. I often get very hyper when I'm out and about. I think it's my brain's way of trying nto forget about panicking and keeping itself busy. When we're at home, it doesn't matter how we act as we are either by ourselves or with people with whom we feel 100% comfortable.

Sarah :D

29-01-05, 20:44
Iv'e experienced this too and I think that when you feel hyper and good, when you come back down again you feel even worse than before, it's a vicious circle!
Hope this makes sense

Take care

Elaine x

29-01-05, 22:21

I have to say i suffer with this all the time. If i'm surrounded by people I go into hyper drive. It's only when I've been on my own I start to doubt everything and everyone. the main problem I used to have was I got to the point where I refused to be on my own at all times. which as u can imagine was very frustrating for some of my friends. Also it was a great way of making people think I was ok, stopped them asking the question, 'are you sure ur ok?'.
When u start to feel more positive, which will happen, u start to appreciate ur own company more. I find the best way to do it is through reading a good book, It not only occupies ur mind, but helps u escape the demons, and gives u some quality u time.
Hope this helps

kt x

put things in perspective, take a balanced view, when u start to count your troubles, count your blessings too.