View Full Version : that irritating voice in the head

12-10-07, 16:33
hi guys
i'm constantly thinking all the time mainly about the same thing and it can go on for the whole day/week. it gets really irritating sometimes cs i just want to forget whats bothering me but cant seem to even when i try to focus on somat else
can anyone tell me why this happens and how to stop this cycle. also does anyone else have this?
luv sam

14-10-07, 22:27
I get this alot - i think it because our brains dont shut off properly and are constantly on the go.

Try not to read a good book so your brain focus's on another thing

Stacey =]

15-10-07, 00:23
You could pick a time of day just to think about these thoughts, and whenever they pop-up in your mind, just imagine a big red STOP sign, and say to yourself "No, I have a time of day to think about these thoughts, and it's not now". It worth a try.
