View Full Version : Trying not to worry, over thinking everything and I feel terrified

10-04-20, 05:13
Exactly 2 weeks ago I started experiencing pains in the entire back of my head, neck, very rarely the throat) . This went on for about a week and eventually I went to the doctor and got prescribed pills. I took them and the pain behind my head was gone. ( I also had this pain behind my head near my ear every time I swallowed ). This is also gone now by the way.

Now what i've been experiencing this week is pain on the left side of the top of my head occasionally. It goes away and comes back. Sometimes its really strong and doesn't go away so I take some advill and it relieves it. ( not completely so sometimes I still feel slight pain ) Also its worth mentioning that I drank something cold today and the brain freeze only affected the right side of my head

Neck pain in the left side of pain aswell ( occasionally throughout the day ) this doesn't really bother me.

Pain in the left side of year aswell ( mostly ). Pain is mostly in the " hole " of the year. ( sorry don't know the medical term for this )

Random pains in throat. its like sometimes my entire throat will hurt and sometimes its only in one specific side and spot. ( Sorry if this isn't helping ). This is also occasionally throughout the day.

Now about the numbness in my left hand. This started 2 days ago and its just my pinky and ring finger. Its not like its numb because I can still feel pain in my fingers and sensation but they just feel weird.

I don't know whether im freaking out or if something is wrong with the left side of my body.

15-04-20, 07:01
Sometimes throughout the day I get really random throat pains.

2 days ago I felt as I have something in my throat, each time I swallow my saliva I can feel "it" or whatever.

I don't feel anything when regularly drinking water or eating food.

What could this be? Im really scared.

15-04-20, 07:03
Please try not to worry? You almost certainly just scratched your throat a little, it'll heal soon enough.

15-04-20, 12:29

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16-04-20, 03:48
I'll try not to worry.

Today I got w sore throat, pain in the left side of my head, and left side of ear hurts ( ear canal is where I would describe the pain ) its nothing intolerable, but I've just been dealing with a bomb of different types of symptoms for 3 weeks now.

16-04-20, 04:05
This may or may not be on topic.

I've had a multitude of symptoms these past few weeks and I've had these online calls with my doctor to diagnose, and believe me the symptoms I had before have gotten better, but some haven't.

I started off with pain in the back of my head and pain behind the left side of ear while swallowing. These symptoms are now gone. ( or lets say have gotten a lot better )

But I did have random throat pains while I had those headaches and it scared me. I obviously looked up symptoms and not to my surprise it told me the worst of the worst. ( Don't want to say the word )

Well now 3 weeks since that ( 2 days ago I started feeling like there was something at the back of my throat, someone said I probably just scratched something and its healing, but now a day later my entire throat is sore and I sometimes feel something in my throat. At times my ear canal hurts ( not super bad, but like when you go to a pull and your ear hurts after ) Also the front left side of my head randomly hurts sometimes. ( also worried about this because its usually just the left side of my head hurting. If I could put it into numbers it would be like a 90;10 split between which areas hurt more often )

All this is just worrying me to the point where sometimes I even research about it for hours trying to calm myself down and I'm trying so hard not to just lose my mind. I really don't want it to be something severe and that could possibly lead to death.

Any comments about this are appreciated. Thank you for your time if you actually read it.

16-04-20, 05:13
First things first: QUIT RESEARCHING. That sort of thing is absolute poison to us HA people, it feeds the terror and keeps us in an anxious state. I've been there myself, losing five hours at a time frantically searching for reassurance, and it's far better to learn to reassure yourself rather than questioning every weird thing your body does.

You're upright, you're breathing, you're feeling stuff - in other words, you're alive and okay other than the anxiety. Yes, you have weird bodily sensations, but this is what's known as being alive.

You don't mention what the doctor said, but I'm willing to bet they didn't think it was cancer. Incidentally, if you did have cancer (which I'm confident you don't), not wanting to say the word is really unhelpful. Again, personal experience here, I had the most harmless form of malignancy you can get, I neglected it for five years and have a large facial scar as a reminder of my stupidity.

Your doctor is the person to trust here. Let them know what you're anxious about - I've found that if you're honest about your mental health issues a lot of medics will take the time to give useful explanations. Googling random stuff won't give you the necessary context, and you don't have the training to interpret data that may not even be valid in the first place.

Look to your mental health first; I promise, things will be okay.

16-04-20, 14:19

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
