View Full Version : Nerves playing tricks

13-10-07, 12:40
Hi All. It's been about 6 weeks since i visited the site.I thought I would leave it because i was getting better.However I have a new set of symptoms that are worrying me alot.
I have shooting pains in fingers and feet.Sometimes I feel them inside my lower tummy and groin.Sometimes in my chest or back.The pain is accompanied by tingling,like nettle sting and goes away after a few minutes.The most worying part is when it shoots through my head.Then I feel all dizzy and weak.I also get this in my mouth and tongue quite often.These episodes are like electric shocks going through me and I am worried that I may have some degenerative nerve disease.

Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing.Help


13-10-07, 14:09
tamo, have a look at "symtoms" on the left of the screen, you will find some answers there.
But yes I think most of us have these terrors.
Pains and tingles pop up in the most unexpected places, and each one feels worse than the last. I know some of my awful symptoms i had noted down in a diary 5 years ago and I laughed at how stupid I have been AND THEN panic hit me again and all those old fears are back as bad or worse than ever.
NO matter how many times I think "it is just stress" ( and sometimes I know it is) I cannot believe myself. Sounds daft - but that is the way fear / anxiety seems to work.
Best wishes

13-10-07, 16:41
Hello Tamo And Welcome To The Site.......linda

13-10-07, 17:53
Welcome back Tamo. Are you going off any meds? If not, I agree it is probably a blip of anxiety. I would try to use the techniques that worked before to help you. We are here to help and give support.



13-10-07, 20:44
Hi Tamo and :welcome: back

I hope you feel better soon.

Take care,

Mike :)

13-10-07, 22:12
Hello Tom:welcome:back!

Yes, this does sound very much like panic - going by my own experience of it. The groin pain is the most horrid I think, with the pins and needles a close second!

When you feel the tell-tale signs try and tell yourself "it'll all be over in a minute" that way you take control - even if it means you still have to go through it. This way you will train your brain to act right at the very beginning and hopefully in time you'll be able to break the fear-panic-fear circle.

have a hug or two ! :hugs::hugs:


14-10-07, 09:38
Thanks for the replies and kindness.

I decided to stop medication. I was on Trazodone 150mg a day and felt it was making me worse.The GPs would not listen.I took my last pill on 12Sep07,felt some rebound anxiety but I was determined.So I think all the drug must me out my system now.Also I have not had alcohol since July(3months sober now ODAAT).In other words I am facing this head on without chemicals or drink .

On a positive note:I have started to get beautiful glimses(2 or 3 minutes)of feeling peacefull and calm.It feels heavenly.Maybe this is my subconcious starting to listen to my positive affirmations.
When a panic arises now I talk it out or think it out and make sure I am breathing properly .I have read in at least 3 books on this subject that the feeling of fear is a thought so alalyze this fear and challenge it.change the the thoughts to love,peace happines etc etc.The results are amazing.I do admit though that these last lot of sensations have been worying(like electricity everywhere).Thats why I came back to you good folks. This time i plan to stay no matter how good I feel.I guesse I was a bit selfish deserting you all when I felt better.

Good luck all. xxx:)

15-10-07, 20:11
Hi Tamo

:welcome: back and lovely to see you here again.

Hope we can be of some help.