View Full Version : Panicking now

14-10-07, 09:36
Hi anyone

I am really panicking now. I did the wrong thing and went google-ing on the internet for missed beats and fluttering beats. I came across A-Fib i think it is and it said that it can possibly cause clots or something. Now i'm really panicking that that is what my missed/extra fast beats are! My fault, i shouldn't have googled it.:lac:

Any advice?


14-10-07, 09:51
Hi Tracy

Yes - worst thing to do is googling!!! i know, i've done it many times and then wished i had'nt.
Read this recent thread and the replies - i think you might find it interesting http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=23712.
Hope you feel better


14-10-07, 11:45
Hi anyone

I am really panicking now. I did the wrong thing and went google-ing on the internet for missed beats and fluttering beats. I came across A-Fib i think it is and it said that it can possibly cause clots or something. Now i'm really panicking that that is what my missed/extra fast beats are! My fault, i shouldn't have googled it.:lac:

Any advice?

Hi tracy,yep its was the wrong thing to do but we have all done it(well i have anyway)lol.Try to trust the docs when they said you were fine when you went to A&E,easier said than done i know because A&E is my second home when my heart starts the ectopic tango.Try to relax as as you well know when you start panicing the ectopics start with a vengence,your o.k ..deep breaths and like its been said on this site "try to view them as no more inportance as sneezing!!!

14-10-07, 12:07
Hi Tracey,

Yes googling is not good for us. Try not to let it upset you. You are fine and will be fine. Please try to get your mind onto something else. An read that thread Jud told you about. It's a great thread.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better.

14-10-07, 12:48
:lac: NEVER GOOGLE!!!!:lac:

Although now you have this gives you chance to practice something else and that's stopping a negative thought in it's tracks. Everytime you think of what you read or it remotely comes to the surface you are to say to yourself STOP and imagine a lollipop ladys stop sign and break that chain of thought - if you find it hard (which it is at first) then go and do something else to distract yourself. Pips taught me this 2 years ago and I have become better and better at it.:yesyes:

When we think fearful thoughts guess what happens - so although it's not easy we have to reverse that trend!!

Oh and by the way did I mention never google!! :winks:

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-10-07, 14:43
On this point of fear
SammiB,wrote to me
"i always read something and there it stays in the memory and one day i have a symptom and its like your memory is a book, flipping through the pages and the first one it finds you panic".
I think this is soooo true - just like when we google we always see the worst outcome IT IS NEVER something simple.
Anything to do with the heart is scary!!!
Think how hard it beats when you run for a bus - it calms so quickly when you are calm and resting on the bus.
I try so hard to imagine this but the fear is always so intense.
Hope you feel better soon
Best wishes

14-10-07, 15:00
Tracy you sent me such a nice reply to my heart fear post yesterday.

If you have ever had an ecg and had ectopic beats show up on it then the Dr's would know staight away if you had AF. I am assuming that at sometime you have had an ecg for your heart???

AF is def a disease of older people and is usually due to underlying heart disease - my father in law had it for many many years and his heart beat was very very slow then it would suddenly beat so fast that his pulse felt like intense fluttering - BUT he couldn't feel a thing:wacko: . His Dr picked it up when he went for a routine blood pressure check.

SO the chances of your having AF must be nearly none existant - you've got what I've got the one that horribly unpleasant and terrifiying but Dr's just aren't interested in:mad:

Have a :hugs:

14-10-07, 15:06
AFs are generally not life threatening and people can live with them for years. You would know if you had one. :) Ectopics are something completely different and will not trigger AF. A doc would pick it straight up on an ECG.

15-10-07, 02:06
My thanks to you all guys, gosh your fab.

I have been so uptight and anxious this whole weekend I have had the dreaded thing virtually non stop. They seem to go off when i move around but as soon as i sit down or go to bed wham, they're there virtually every beat. (Makes it very hard to sleep).

I will definately not be GOOGLING again I can tell you :lac:.

Thanks once again people i'm so glad i found you guys.

Piglet i will imagine the lollipop lady just as you say.

Ta people


15-10-07, 02:07
PS. Thanks Judi for that thread, i did read it and it was most helpful.
