View Full Version : Still having trouble

14-10-07, 16:02
Last night I went through basically the same thing all over again. Again my blood pressure never got "high" but it was "high" compared to how it has been for months. I really try not to take it over and over but I cant stop. I get into that pattern and that is it.
I ended up going to bed earlier to see if that would help. Any other ideas?

14-10-07, 16:27
Throw away the blood pressure reader or get someone to hide it from you then you can't take it :wacko:

Perhaps you should write down why it worries you and what does a high blood pressure reading mean will happen to you.

Seeing it in black and white may help you understand the obsession.

Post it here if you want to as well.

14-10-07, 17:33
I am starting to think maybe I should have someone hide it, I am just so worried that I might miss something and then have something happen. I truly hate being this way.
I think it worries me so much because when I had my children I had pre-e which is defintely a more dangerous type of hypertension and it was an emergency situation. Then they sent me home from the hospital too soon and my BP went to 200/110 and higher. So I ended up back in the hospital. Because it was such an emerg situation its almost like a post traumatic thing for me.