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View Full Version : Worried about my sleep quality recently

17-04-20, 02:37
I usually wake up 1-2 times a night to use the bathroom, but have been waking up 3-4 times a night the last week or so, and mostly for no apparent reason. I feel like I usually wake up in the middle of a vivid dream, and had at least two vivid dreams last night. I'll wake up suddenly, but can't find an obvious cause, then usually will fall back asleep with no issue. I noticed that I've been falling asleep reading with my light on almost every night, which I know isn't the best way to fall asleep. This issue isn't exactly new to me, as I periodically have nights where I wake up repeatedly for no reason, followed by nights of good quality 7-8 hours of sleep, but it's been more persistent than usual lately.

I'm concerned that if this continues, I will end up getting a dangerously low amount of sleep. I'm not going to lie-the thought of something like sporadic fatal insomnia has even crossed my mind a few times. I can't shake the thought that I will have more and more of these "awakenings" every night, until I don't sleep anymore at all.

17-04-20, 03:07
I usually wake up 1-2 times a night to use the bathroom, but have been waking up 3-4 times a night the last week or so, and mostly for no apparent reason. I feel like I usually wake up in the middle of a vivid dream, and had at least two vivid dreams last night. I'll wake up suddenly, but can't find an obvious cause, then usually will fall back asleep with no issue. I noticed that I've been falling asleep reading with my light on almost every night, which I know isn't the best way to fall asleep. This issue isn't exactly new to me, as I periodically have nights where I wake up repeatedly for no reason, followed by nights of good quality 7-8 hours of sleep, but it's been more persistent than usual lately.

I'm concerned that if this continues, I will end up getting a dangerously low amount of sleep. I'm not going to lie-the thought of something like sporadic fatal insomnia has even crossed my mind a few times. I can't shake the thought that I will have more and more of these "awakenings" every night, until I don't sleep anymore at all.

I've had chronic sleep patterns for about 33 years and I'm not dead or crazy yet (hmm the latter may be debatable) :wacko:
My Dr told me that people actually sleep in 1.5 hour cycles and that they actually do wake up, turn over etc and then return to sleep but don't remember it because they are young. As people age they remember these awakenings more frequently. So even during your good sleep cycles, you are still awakening.

My poor sleep is due to autoimmune activity as I have CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). I have noticed that I've generally slept better since I've been in lockdown and I think this is because I'm more relaxed and not thinking about going to work. My older age could also play a part in this. I've never thought I had anything fatal or though I do get brain fog sometimes :blush:

I do take a low dose tricyclic antidepressant (Amitriptyline 10mgs) which helps with sleep. This low dose is only for sleep, it's not for depression. Take care

17-04-20, 11:58
SFI doesn't even work like that anyway. You get massive cognitive issues....the insomnia part isn't even really a symptom. Plus isn't the stats something like 1 in 10 billion.

I've suffered from insomnia since Jan 2017 off and on. Annoying yes but thats all it is. Your issue doesn't even seem that bad at all as we are meant to wake up the amount of times you stated...its just that you're aware of it more due to your anxiety.

18-04-20, 16:16
I can't remember a time where I DIDN'T wake up 1-10 times a night. It's been decades.

18-04-20, 21:49
Do this about 2-3hrs before bed


Take care beq45 and everyone.

19-04-20, 09:42
Sporadic Fatal Insomnia isn’t even true to its name tbh. You don’t die because of sleeping issues, you die because of prions turning your brain into mush. The reason it’s called SFI is because in the end, you can’t sleep anymore, as the part of your brain that gives you the ability to sleep is completely destroyed. That’s the only part of this disease that truly relates to sleep. Everything else comes before the inability to sleep, and that “everything else” is not being able to move, talk, think properly, and etc. Prion diseases are the scariest diseases on this planet and you would know if you had them. Don’t worry about SFI, and instead be more productive during this time. Sleeping has also become a tiny bit problematic for me too, but that’s mainly because I use less energy throughout the day (quarantine), and so this may be an issue with you as well. Be productive everyday and you’ll be just fine.

19-04-20, 16:47
Yep my sleep has gone to shit since the lockdown as well. Getting quite a lot of hypnic jerks as well. Hopefully will sort itself out in due time.

23-04-20, 23:52
SFI and FFI shouldn’t even be in your thoughts. I wouldn’t even say you have insomnia. Are you under more stress as of recently? More anxiety? Check into better sleep hygiene also. Like cutting out drinks at a certain time to prevent getting up to use the bathroom.

25-04-20, 00:39
I've been struggling with this as well for the past five years or so. I always wake up 4 hours after sleeping and try to sleep back again.
The strange thing is that I do feel refreshed and energized in the morning with no issues.

It's just that reading stuff on the Internet like one has to get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep is a must makes me scared.