View Full Version : Pelvic lumps

13-04-20, 22:03
Hey everyone,

I sincerely hope you all are safe and healthy during this difficult time.

I noticed a slightly raised lump in my upper right abdomen. I was feeling this area because I was having some discomfort in another area of my abdomen. I had to actually look for it to find it. It’s soft and about the size of my fingertip. I’m still worried though. When I lie down and feel under my right rib it is puffier than the area under my left rib. I know that can be liver enlargement :( The lump is a few centimetres down. Is it normal to feel lumps like this?

14-04-20, 02:16

This could be a completely normal part of your anatomy and you may be construing it as something sinister. My recommendation is not to go digging around your abdomen seeking abnormalities when you have no idea what is normal and what isn't.

Best Wishes

14-04-20, 17:34
Hi Katniss,

If you're worried about malignancies, as far as I know sinister tumours tend to be hard lumps.

Anecdotally, my brother had quite a few lumps in his stomach that you could feel, he left them a few years before he even got them checked- clearly doesn't share my hypochondria! In the end, a couple were just fatty deposits and another was a hernia that he got fixed in a quick opp- nothing sinister though!

Obviously I can't give you medical advice, so if you are worried about it please follow up with your doctor 🙂

15-04-20, 04:56
Thanks for your replies you guys! I’m not sure if it’s just muscle or a part of my body. It’s not a distinct lump either, So I think I’m just anxious. This whole co-vid situation has made it worse. Trying to stay upbeat and positive but the anxiety surrounding my and my loved ones health is absolutely consuming me. Anyway,that was my rant. Thank you and hopeful you and your families stay safe

17-04-20, 01:54
Sorry for re-surfacing my own thread again.

You guys!! I know I felt *something* in my earlier abdomen, however now I absolutely feel something in my lower abdomen. Very close to my uterus and ovaries. When I suck my tummy in I can feel some lumps on the right side. Some are big but fairly movable I think.. is this normal?!!!!! Could these still be lipomas? I can’t feel them when I’m relaxed , I can only feel them when I suck my breath in and flex my abdominal muscles.! Sounds crazy I know! But could flexing be allowing me to feel these lumps better? I’m really scared

17-04-20, 03:05

This could be a completely normal part of your anatomy and you may be construing it as something sinister. My recommendation is not to go digging around your abdomen seeking abnormalities when you have no idea what is normal and what isn't.

Best Wishes

My last response still holds true. I know this isn't what you're looking for but you need to ground yourself in some reality or else you'll keep spiralling

18-04-20, 07:02
Hey ladies!

I posted about this on Health Anxiety forum but didn’t get much of a response. I felt some lumps on the right side of my pelvis today. I would even call it lower abdomen, not completely pelvis. But this area is where the ovaries and uterus are. When I flex I can feel these lumps. They disappear when I am relaxed. Are these lymph nodes? Could they be cysts? I am really freaking out. I’m 32 btw. I am really scared of it being something to do with the ovaries or even colon cancer or something. Please help!

Ps. Are inguinal lymph nodes here or are they closer to the thigh?

18-04-20, 12:13
The lumps are most prominent when you flex...are they in the area where an inguinal hernia could be present? Just wondering if this could be a possibility.

There’s so many more benign things this could be than what you are fearing but if you are like me, you might as well go have it checked out. Seems to be the only thing that will finally reassure me. More often then not, when I finally go get checked out and they tell me it’s something simple, my symptoms miraculously disappear [emoji2957]

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18-04-20, 12:38

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

18-04-20, 18:39
Yes. They are there when I flex.. hernia? Possibly..but it doesn’t hurt and it isn’t tender either.

I read that the colon is on top of the reproductive system so it’s impossible to feel ovaries right?

21-04-20, 17:43
I have a doctors appointment in 2 hours for this lump. I called her and described it and she wanted me to come in. Even though because of Covid they are preferring not to bring people in to the office. Now I’m scared!

22-04-20, 00:15
I have a doctors appointment in 2 hours for this lump. I called her and described it and she wanted me to come in. Even though because of Covid they are preferring not to bring people in to the office. Now I’m scared!I'm glad you have an appt! Like I said in my other post, a quick check is the best way to ease my fears and hopefully it will ease yours as well! Have you saw the Provider yet?

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22-04-20, 03:49
Thank you for asking! The doctor felt the lump and believes it is a hernia. She asked me whether it was painful or if I can move it inside, I can’t. She still thinks the overall feel of the lump isn’t likely to be serious and is most likely benign. So it’s a wait and see approach which I am okay with for now.

22-04-20, 11:28
Thank you for asking! The doctor felt the lump and believes it is a hernia. She asked me whether it was painful or if I can move it inside, I can’t. She still thinks the overall feel of the lump isn’t likely to be serious and is most likely benign. So it’s a wait and see approach which I am okay with for now.That's great! So glad to hear that good news.

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22-04-20, 18:41
Has anyone here had a hernia? I can’t push this lump in.. so it can’t be a hernia right?

23-04-20, 01:27
I had a doc appointment for a lump in my abdomen yesterday. The doc said there certainly is a deep lump. She said it’s likely a hernia. She is an angel of a doctor but I don’t know how she diagnosed me with a possible hernia without checking if it goes in or not. Of course I googled and all hernias can be pushed back in. This one can’t be. This is in all likelihood not a hernia.

She did recommend an ultrasound but preferred a wait n see approach. I agreed to wait n see. But now I’m almost wondering if I should go for that ultrasound. I don’t know wth this lump is. It’s not movable btw. Has anyone had this?!!!!

23-04-20, 11:25

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

23-04-20, 16:07
I had a doc appointment for a lump in my abdomen yesterday. The doc said there certainly is a deep lump. She said it’s likely a hernia. She is an angel of a doctor but I don’t know how she diagnosed me with a possible hernia without checking if it goes in or not. Of course I googled and all hernias can be pushed back in. This one can’t be. This is in all likelihood not a hernia.

She did recommend an ultrasound but preferred a wait n see approach. I agreed to wait n see. But now I’m almost wondering if I should go for that ultrasound. I don’t know wth this lump is. It’s not movable btw. Has anyone had this?!!!!Just a suggestion... and not because I think it is anything serious at all...I would go ahead and follow up bc I get the feeling you will stay on this path if u don't get the test.

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24-04-20, 18:54
Thank you Whome for responding..

The thought of an ultrasound makes my heart race. To be honest I’m taking a wait and see approach to this. I am not feeling around my abdomen and just taking it one day at a time. I don’t know if avoidance will help but I’m going to try it! I’m going to put faith in God and then trust what the doctor said about it being “reassuring” and “that’s good”. I asked her if it was cancer and she said “no no no nothing like that”. Not sure if she said it to make me feel better but for now I’m going to just trust what she said. I’m tired of being afraid and anxious

25-04-20, 12:30
Thank you Whome for responding..

The thought of an ultrasound makes my heart race. To be honest I’m taking a wait and see approach to this. I am not feeling around my abdomen and just taking it one day at a time. I don’t know if avoidance will help but I’m going to try it! I’m going to put faith in God and then trust what the doctor said about it being “reassuring” and “that’s good”. I asked her if it was cancer and she said “no no no nothing like that”. Not sure if she said it to make me feel better but for now I’m going to just trust what she said. I’m tired of being afraid and anxiousWell good for you, Katniss I am glad you are going to try to just listen to the doctor and put your faith in God instead of seeking reassurance. I personally need to work on doing the same when I spiral. Have a good day

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26-04-20, 02:19
For one whole day I was okay. I didn’t check my abdomen at all. Then I noticed an itchiness by my neck on top of my left collarbone. I felt a hard stone like lump that moves. This is the same lump I’ve been feeling since this September however it has grown. I’m in shock and almost paralyzed. I can’t believe this happened. I stopped feeling this node a long time ago. I just let it go. But now it’s gotten significantly bigger. It’s almost 1cm. I’m sweating and feel cold. Someone please help me. I can’t handle this :(

26-04-20, 02:21
I know this is a bad sign. I just can’t believe it’s actually happening. I’m praying it’s not a lymph node and just some weird schwanomma or cyst. Or it could be related to my ongoing rash on my neck and chest. I am trying to rationalize but these lymph nodes (left supraclavicular) are notorious for being evil. I’m so scared right now it’s unreal.

26-04-20, 03:06
Okay so when I lie down the lymph node feels the same size as before (back in Sept). So I don’t think it has grown. My method of checking was different today and I guess it was bigger than I thought.

26-04-20, 03:41
Guys I feel like I’m losing my mind. I keep checking my neck lymph node obsessively. I missed our family night movie because I was too busy upstairs checking my lymph node. My son even said today that ‘‘mama never watches any movies with us”. I’m usually cleaning up the kitchen or the house or doing school work (I’m a teacher). I actually had a very relaxed weekend planned and promised a movie but it didn’t happen because I had just discovered this darned node again. I am SO upset with myself.

I also understand that what I have is a psychological disorder. I have OCD and from what I understand one of its manifestations is health anxiety. I am now starting to reach out for help. I went on blank white wall for some counseling but they were too slow. I have found another number to call so I will call them tomorrow since it’s too late now.

What are the chances of an extreme hypochondriac getting actual cancer at 32? I really need reassurance.

26-04-20, 20:26
What are the chances of an extreme hypochondriac getting actual cancer at 32? I really need reassurance.

The same as everyone else.

Go back to where this spiral began. It began with an itch which triggered a memory of a previous anxiety. You grabbed hold of that memory and allowed yourself to spiral. Think of an alternative reality where you felt the itch, scratched it, thought about the node and instead of checking it said to yourself, "I'm having the thought about that node. It wasn't cancer in September so it isn't cancer now." You would have then moved on and spent movie night with your family. Reframing your obsessive thoughts (the O in OCD) is critical to living a more functional life. I have found this works best for me when I immediately take a deep breath when I'm having a scary thought and I ground myself in reality with thoughts that are actual reality.

If you can go a full day with no issues, then you can turn it around right this second and have another day with no issues.

Best Wishes

26-04-20, 22:57
I really get where you're coming from. I have OCD too and when you get fixated on something like this it just feels like you have to check it over and over again, every few minutes, at the expense of everything else. I haven't worked out how to master it yet, unfortunately!

Did you have the node checked before? If you haven't, I don't think it's crazy to get your doctor to check it. Lumps should always be checked if they stick around for more than a couple of weeks.

However, most people with a cancerous node would have found that it had grown bigger over a six month period, and they'd likely have other symptoms too. It doesn't have to be cancer. It might not even be a node.

27-04-20, 00:14
Thanks for your response. I’m feeling better today. I enrolled in a CBT course last night to get a better grip on things and really fight this debilitating health anxiety.

27-04-20, 00:16
Hi Oo. Thank you for your response. I have actually never gotten any lymph nodes checked by a doc before except two that were infected and causing pain. The rest on my body which I have like 10 of have never been checked. The collarbone node scares me a bit but at the end of the day it’s a few mm. Not even close to a cm. It feels as small as a dot. I do have a rash all over my neck and chest due to allergic dermatitis. I’ve had this rash on and off for a few years. It could very likely be a node from that. I just went to the doc last Wednesday, I don’t want to keep going again and again. ESP now to show a dot-sized node!

27-04-20, 10:08
Hi Oo. Thank you for your response. I have actually never gotten any lymph nodes checked by a doc before except two that were infected and causing pain. The rest on my body which I have like 10 of have never been checked. The collarbone node scares me a bit but at the end of the day it’s a few mm. Not even close to a cm. It feels as small as a dot. I do have a rash all over my neck and chest due to allergic dermatitis. I’ve had this rash on and off for a few years. It could very likely be a node from that. I just went to the doc last Wednesday, I don’t want to keep going again and again. ESP now to show a dot-sized node!

If it's a dot it probably isn't even a node, I reckon! Maybe just a bit of gristle. But even if it is a node, one that small wouldn't be a worry anyway. You should see these ones on my neck 😩

I'm really glad you're feeling a bit better today.