View Full Version : Do you have nightmares about the illnesses you fear having?

18-04-20, 15:52
My main illness fears center around different types of cancers or other types of dangerous or deadly illnesses. Unfortunately I sometimes have nightmares about having these illnesses. I generally brush then away. But lately I started reading more about premonition dreams and how people get them. Now I get even more freaked out when I have these dreams because I'm worried about one of them becoming true.

I'm trying to keep a logical mind to these dreams, so I'm wondering if any of you guys have times where your illness fears manifest into your nightmares.

18-04-20, 16:00
This is normal and honestly expected. Your thinking about these worries all day, every day so they will inevitably end up in your dreams. They are not premonitions.

18-04-20, 19:09
I agree. I have dreams all the time that never come true. But I still get anxious about premonitions. One time I had a sense of deja vu and I had a sudden vision of my own death in 2024. It still scares me.

I'm looking for reassurance myself. But ever since I had that deja vu moment many months ago, I started writing down my thoughts every time I have deja vu. Only 5 out of 20 came true. It seems as though I don't have superpowers. But it STILL scares me too. I feel you, but the numbers don't lie. It's all in your head, but we are going to overcome our ocd. I promise.

18-04-20, 19:12
with that being said, if someone can help me too, that'd be great.

18-04-20, 19:22
Realistically, it comes down to you. There are no magic words or cure. You could get 100 replies with reassurance, suggestions and advice but it still comes down to you to act on it. What's said here as well as all the great information and links on the site still needs you to make it effective. There's also real life help to explore. That said, as was already said, they're just dreams. Sometime our every day life stresses and fears manifest themselves in our dreams. Its nothing new.

Positive thoughts

18-04-20, 20:29
Darn it. You are right. But I fall for the same trap over and over and over. I have to stop falling for my ocd traps. I just don't know how.

18-04-20, 21:38
Darn it. You are right. But I fall for the same trap over and over and over. I have to stop falling for my ocd traps. I just don't know how.

I've already told you and this goes for everyone here... REAL. LIFE. HELP.! I think it's great that a community exists in the virtual world where your not alone in your struggles (and that goes for all mental an physical illnesses), but the virtual world cannot hold you accountable. Real life help and real life friends and family can and will if you ask.

There's an interesting series my wife and I have been watching called "100 Humans" on Netflix. It explores some really interesting aspects of human personalities and reactions to various scenarios. The traits they're finding coincide with the value of reassurance vs. the consequences of reality.

Anyway.... While I'm not a sufferer, I've had my challenges both physical and mental. I sought real life help, worked hard and overcame it. I practice the techniques I've learned to this day and I'm thankful for them considering the crisis we're all facing. There are resources here on the sight, online and within your community (granted, limited due to the crisis) that you can reach out to. Reaching out is fine and good but the point in doing so is to act on it as opposed to the "Yeah buts...."

Positive thoughts