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View Full Version : Chronic stress - sore throat, fever?

19-04-20, 13:05
Hi all,

Apologies if this is in the incorrect area of the forum. My pregnant wife and I have been self isolating for 5weeks. We havent left the house since then other than once to pick up some medication for her pregnancy. Was super careful and, face mask and hand sanitizer. Social distancing and all. Anyway, about 10 days ago, I started to get this really odd sensation of feeling hot in the evenings. Thermometer would never reach over 37.2. Face would burn up, ears aswell, but my hands and feet were ICE cold. Was uncomfortable. This would happen most nights for the last 10 nights. Yesterday and the day before, I had the most stressful days of chronic worrying I think I have ever had. My wife has some issues with her pregnancy and it caused me chronic intense worry. I felt so worried yesterday that I wanted to throw up, felt completely drained and out of it. By the end of the day I had body aches so I went to bed. Woke up around 2am with a fever of around 37.8. Chills and my chest feels tight. Now I've been diagnosed with GAD and HA and was in the process of getting face to face therapy, but the pandemic stopped by sessions, and I've been told to continue using the online portal. Anyway, my question is, has anyone who has experienced chronic stress and worry ever gotten themselves so worried that they've physically gotten unwell? Like I mentioned, the % of me catching any virus is small as I have been self isolating for 5weeks, however the irrational part of my mind is now saying... "ooh fever and tight chest. You have coronavirus". Its hard being stuck indoors with your own thoughts and weaknesses so thought I'd share on here to see if anyone else has experienced such things

19-04-20, 16:25
Hi all ✌ (I posted this elsewhere but realised it was probably in the wrong section. So I'm posting in HA)

Apologies if this is in the incorrect area of the forum. My pregnant wife and I have been self isolating for 5weeks. We havent left the house since then other than once to pick up some medication for her pregnancy. Was super careful and, face mask and hand sanitizer. Social distancing and all. Anyway, about 10 days ago, I started to get this really odd sensation of feeling hot in the evenings. Thermometer would never reach over 37.2. Face would burn up, ears aswell, but my hands and feet were ICE cold. Was uncomfortable. This would happen most nights for the last 10 nights. Yesterday and the day before, I had the most stressful days of chronic worrying I think I have ever had. My wife has some issues with her pregnancy and it caused me chronic intense worry. I felt so worried yesterday that I wanted to throw up, felt completely drained and out of it. By the end of the day I had body aches so I went to bed. Woke up around 2am with a fever of around 37.8. Chills and my chest feels tight. Now I've been diagnosed with GAD and HA and was in the process of getting face to face therapy, but the pandemic stopped by sessions, and I've been told to continue using the online portal. Anyway, my question is, has anyone who has experienced chronic stress and worry ever gotten themselves so worried that they've physically gotten unwell? Like I mentioned, the % of me catching any virus is small as I have been self isolating for 5weeks, however the irrational part of my mind is now saying... "ooh fever and tight chest. You have coronavirus". Its hard being stuck indoors with your own thoughts and weaknesses so thought I'd share on here to see if anyone else has experienced such things

19-04-20, 18:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

19-04-20, 18:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


19-04-20, 19:56
I have chronic anxiety and mainly with health issues so what's happening in the world right now is extremely hard to deal with.
I've become physically ill before due to stress and it usually produces flu like symptoms. The actual flu doesn't happen. It was explained once to me that too much stress hormones flooding the body causes inflammation. I usually have alot of head pressure and pains in my joints.
I wish I could tell you how to get rid of it.
I take Pantothenic acid, vitamin c, magnesium and multivitamin all prescribed to help with this but at the moment nothings helping.
I've been feeling this way for three weeks now. (Had the 'virus' for three weeks already 😬)
I'm sure you can feel confident that you're safe since you've been so careful.
Try breathing exercises and look on Youtube for some guided meditation for anxiety relief.
You're not alone, thousands if people are battling through this lockdown with all sorts of weird symptoms.
I hope you feel better soon.