View Full Version : Worried used Neti pot

19-04-20, 23:18
Hi all,

I done a nasal irrigation tonight And used bottled water from my fridge - I am now panicking as I can’t see any where on the bottle that it says it was distilled and I am absolutely terrified that I could have given myself a chance of brain eating amoeba .

Having a right old panic attack about it now!

19-04-20, 23:26
You can't get it like that from bottled water.

19-04-20, 23:29
Thanks for the reply I am terrified because It’s highland spring water . I don’t think it’s been distilled

19-04-20, 23:39
It doesn't matter if it is distilled or not.

Do you know about brain eating amoeba ?

19-04-20, 23:41
Hi Nicola sorry I don’t I just panicked as I realised I have not followed instructions and used bottled spring water which is different from distilled .

Sorry I know I’m a mess just so terrified at this minute, I’m not sure of the chances of this happening with Scottish springs . But god I can’t stop thinking about it

19-04-20, 23:46
Good old google:

People cannot be infected by drinking water with Naegleria fowleri, and it has not been shown to spread from water vapor or droplets like in the shower or from a humidifier

Naegleria is an ameba (single-celled living organism) commonly found in warm freshwater (for example, lakes, rivers, and hot springs) and soil.

I won't post anymore but you can see where I am going with this.

19-04-20, 23:52
Thanks for that. The reason I am worried is because I didn’t drink it it was a sinus rinse. I shouldn’t be getting myself into a state but here I am

I’m thinking Scottish spring water isn’t classed as hot springs or at least I hope so

19-04-20, 23:56
Can you imagine how many people would be dead if they used bottled water for this?

You cannot get it from bottled water trust me.

There have only been 162 deaths in the USA since 1962 from brain eating amoeba

What help are you getting with your HA though as that is the real issue here?

19-04-20, 23:58
“Naegleria fowleri can grow in pipes, hot water heaters, and water systems, including treated public drinking water systems.” A spokesman for Public Health England's National Infection Service said there had been no cases of naegleria fowleri in the UK in the last five years.

20-04-20, 00:04
Hi, thank you so much for taking the time do that that’s calmed me down. Really really appreciate it

Sorry I’m so embarrassed ! The real issue yes my anxiety is totally out of control - I am on citolapram but not working I guess

20-04-20, 00:08
No worries

Don't be embarrassed - I was just trying to make you understand that you can't get it like that in the hope that it helped :yesyes:

Are you able to do any self-help stuff online?

20-04-20, 00:09
I am on citolapram but not working I guess

Even on medication you have to work on the cause of your anxiety.... it isn't a miracle cure sadly

how long have you been on it?

20-04-20, 00:15
I am mortified just looked at the instructions again and it said any commercially bottled water which is what I did .

I’m thinking of looking into some courses for sure , I live alone and Struggle a lot . I don’t think isolation is helping the matter,

I’ve been on it 2 months now so I appreciate I have to give it some time .

If you look at my posts I’m a massive als worrier still am for nearly a year and a half . My life’s just taken a massive spiral and I don’t know how to get out of it . I worry about everything -health is the big one but even in every day life I am an over thinker, I’m exhausted with it and it’s really getting me down. It’s such a horrible place to be.

20-04-20, 00:20
Look at my sticky post in the coronavirus forum about online help

20-04-20, 00:29
I’ve been on it 2 months now so I appreciate I have to give it some time .

Definitely, it will take time to settle in your system and for you to be on the right dose

Good luck :)

20-04-20, 00:40
Thank you both for your help,I hope I do get better it’s not way to live to be honest

20-04-20, 00:48
Thank you both for your help,I hope I do get better it’s not way to live to be honest

You will get there.... you want to get better so the determination is there.... it may take a little but but in time to come you will be posting in the success forum :)

20-04-20, 01:18
Thank you!!

Okay I know I am still being totally irrational about this but I am worried as this highland spring bottled water comes from soil I just looked it up.

I can’t believe I didn’t check before I done it, I am worried that it’s not safe and now I’ve put myself at a major risk

20-04-20, 05:36
The amoeba isn't present in the UK because the water isn't warm enough, which means it DEFINITELY isn't going to be in anything called Highland Spring ;)

Incidentally, do you really think a product infected with amoebae would be sold in shops, much less one of the major branded waters in the UK?

Use your logic, and trust it.

20-04-20, 20:39
that's good that you realise its anxiety meds take time and sometimes they don't suit you speak to your GP best wishes

20-04-20, 22:21
Thank you all for replying on this thread . God that really was a low point for me last night . It really was :( I was up till 4 am worrying! Didn’t think there was something more irrational than my MND fear but here I am . What an absolute nightmare. I’m still on edge today but thank so much Blue Iris for pointing out that it’s not even in the UK and to Nicola for doing the googling for me. I was shaking last night it was so bad.

Thanks Mrs Stress Ed I hope I turn the corner soon as I am so miserable.

21-04-20, 00:52
The amoeba isn't present in the UK because the water isn't warm enough, which means it DEFINITELY isn't going to be in anything called Highland Spring ;)

Incidentally, do you really think a product infected with amoebae would be sold in shops, much less one of the major branded waters in the UK?

Use your logic, and trust it.

Thanks for this! I didn’t know it didn’t exist in the UK ? I didn’t even want to google . So you really think I’m okay that it was spring water I used and not distilled ?

This has me bloody terrified it’s awful - I feel like I’m going to live in fear for the next 2 weeks- I hate my mind.

I’ve got horrendous terrible pressure on my sinus’ at the moment and it’s hard to sleep. Of course this has all got worse form the nasal rinse yesterday and now I am panicking big time

21-04-20, 04:18
I'm pretty sure that if one of the main UK water brands was contaminated with a deadly amoeba, we'd know about it, yes.

It's just your anxiety playing tricks on you, I promise.

22-04-20, 18:41
Sorry Blue Iris just seen your reply! Thank you :) gosh I’m such a mess . I keep re reading the instructions Over again to remind myself it says “ commercially bottled water “ which is what I done.

Lol yes definitely no chance of warmer waters up here in Scotland!

22-04-20, 18:44
Ok now you need to put the instructions away and move on from this. You can't get it and never will. Stop torturing yourself

27-04-20, 03:48
I used to do neti pot with warm tap water - straight from the tap, into the pot, into my nose! I did this for years until I learned you're supposed to use distilled water. I survived!

17-07-20, 01:28
Technically your not supposed to- in the future make sure it’s distilled or boil it... especially now cause once the PAM idea bug gets in your head- If you do it again your always going to worry.. regardless both my mom and my husband used to Neti with tap water till I told them not to.. they are both fine. So just.. in the future don’t do it :)

17-07-20, 04:53
And also, why not just buy one of those saline nasal sprays. They are good, and the water is already distilled for you! Hope you feel better soon & you got some sleep.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-07-20, 22:46
Hi all thanks for replying on this post - pleased to say I survived! Looking back I can’t believe how distressed I was about the whole thing , my anxiety is absolutely awful At times , thanks for your kind words :)