View Full Version : Blood blisters in mouth

19-04-20, 23:36
Hi everyone,
I’ve been doing ok with my anxiety, considering the circumstances but today I’m having a real wobble and obviously I can’t see a doctor or dentist at the moment. Recently I have been getting some blood blisters inside my mouth. I have suffered with these before, usually when I bite my tongue or cheeks in my sleep, but recently I have kept getting one in the same place on my tongue because I keep catching it when I eat. I am really focusing on it and worried about mouth cancer or a blood disorder like leukaemia. I had a leukaemia scare before Christmas when I had some weird blood results which turned out to be caused by a virus and they went back to normal, but it still plays on my mind that what if they didn’t actually return to normal and it was something after all and that’s why I’m getting the blood blisters now? I had the same one come up on the side of my tongue this evening, I felt my tongue catch when I was eating and when I looked it was there, but why does it always happen in the same place? I’m really feeling anxious this evening and would appreciate any words of encouragement as normally I would book an appointment if I’m feeling worried but at the moment I can’t and that’s making things worse.

19-04-20, 23:49
I get this a lot and have done for 30+ years and I don't have leukemia :)

20-04-20, 09:35
Thank you for tour reply. The blister has gone now but there is a purple colour mark there which I guess is a bruise. I’m really panicking but there is nobody I can call.

20-04-20, 09:41
There’s nothing to panic about, these things happen all the time. Leave it alone, stop checking it. It’ll be better in no time.

20-04-20, 13:56
I know it's hard but not being able to make a GP appointment will make you have to challenge your HA yourself.

Scass has given some excellent advice..You have to leave it alone no matter how anxious you feel. You know how your HA works. It would be a big achievement if you could reassure yourself..You know you can do it!

23-04-20, 12:49
Thank you for the replies. I'm still struggling with this as I now seem to have a lump on that side of my tongue so I'm convinced I have tongue cancer. I'm trying to see this in the context of my wider anxiety but as always the symptom is real and I can't seem to rationalise. Not knowing when I will be able to go to the Dr or dentist is hard.

23-04-20, 16:48
Blood blisters are caused by pinched skin, and its easy to pinch your skin in your mouth. Rinse with an alcohol-based mouth wash and it will help keep them clean to heal faster. I'm sure that's exactly what the doc or the dentist would tell you to do anyway.

03-05-20, 15:05
Hi, since writing this I have been obsessing over my tongue and there are a number of raised red bumps on one side. They have been there at least two weeks with no improvement. They are occasionally slightly sore but not much, nothing like as painful as a mouth ulcer. I'm wondering would a Dr look at these on a video call or should I wait for the dentist to open again? I'm super worried about tongue cancer.

03-05-20, 17:02
Are you brushing/flossing and using mouth wash regularly?

03-05-20, 18:16
Are you brushing/flossing and using mouth wash regularly?
I brush and floss but I don’t use mouthwash. This is because I’ve read that it an increase the risk of oral cancer. I read that years ago so have only ever used it when I’ve got mouth ulcers.

03-05-20, 19:58
So which cancer are you worried about at the moment?

03-05-20, 20:14
Mouth cancer. It's boring I know. I'm bored of living in my own head. I've been doing better for a while but it never lasts. Trying to rationalise my anxiety or distract myself feels like trying to think straight with someone screaming at the top of their voice right in my face all day long.

03-05-20, 20:28
Usually swollen or ruptured taste buds are a result of: too much salt; improper brushing or not brushing enough; burning the tongue with hot food; pinching of the skin; or allergies. Cancer is far-fetched unless you're a heavy user of chewing tobacco or you've previously had cancer in your mouth.

03-05-20, 20:33
Usually swollen or ruptured taste buds are a result of: too much salt; improper brushing or not brushing enough; burning the tongue with hot food; pinching of the skin; or allergies. Cancer is far-fetched unless you're a heavy user of chewing tobacco or you've previously had cancer in your mouth.

Thank you. I don't use chewing tobacco and I've never had mouth cancer. I know it's rare in women under 50 (I'm 43). I read that there raised bumps are normal but they should clear up within a few days whereas these have been there for weeks.

03-05-20, 20:40
Mouth cancer. It's boring I know. I'm bored of living in my own head. I've been doing better for a while but it never lasts. Trying to rationalise my anxiety or distract myself feels like trying to think straight with someone screaming at the top of their voice right in my face all day long.

It's not boring..It's all consuming for you but I do think you have to rationalise your fears because you have been convinced that you have definitely had quite a few cancers over the past few months. It's a challenging time when you can't get to the GP and you re not able to talk yourself down from a WCS but the reality is that if you examine your tongue with a fine tooth comb you re going to fixate on all sorts of lumps and bumps which are normal and which have always been there but you've just never noticed before?

03-05-20, 20:41
Right. You know it's just your anxiety. What are you doing to treat that?

03-05-20, 21:16
Usually swollen or ruptured taste buds are a result of: too much salt; improper brushing or not brushing enough; burning the tongue with hot food; pinching of the skin; or allergies. Cancer is far-fetched unless you're a heavy user of chewing tobacco or you've previously had cancer in your mouth.

Yep, I sometimes get it from too many bags of crisps in a session. And I've had it from stress before too, long before my anxiety days. So did my brother when he was working far too many hours and he doesn't suffer from any mental health conditions.

03-05-20, 21:19
It's not boring..It's all consuming for you but I do think you have to rationalise your fears because you have been convinced that you have definitely had quite a few cancers over the past few months. It's a challenging time when you can't get to the GP and you re not able to talk yourself down from a WCS but the reality is that if you examine your tongue with a fine tooth comb you re going to fixate on all sorts of lumps and bumps which are normal and which have always been there but you've just never noticed before?

Thanks Pulisa. I think I've been doing a bit better since my major leukemia freak out before Easter but it seems like a pattern that never ends. I think it happens when my mind gets tired. I can rationalise to some extent, so I'll go through all the logical things it could be, and think about my age and the likelihood of me having that illness etc etc but then the doubts seem to get louder and louder and in the end I get exhausted trying to keep them down. As I think I've said before, I do really feel that coming to terms with my eventual death is the only real way to overcome health anxiety but that's something I can't seem to do.

03-05-20, 21:23
Yep, I sometimes get it from too many bags of crisps in a session. And I've had it from stress before too, long before my anxiety days. So did my brother when he was working far too many hours and he doesn't suffer from any mental health conditions.

Did you get it lasting over a few weeks though? That's what's worrying me.

03-05-20, 21:29
Right. You know it's just your anxiety. What are you doing to treat that?

I've tried a lot of things over the years. Been on four different meds, been to CBT (face to face and over the phone) read a million self help books (slight exaggeration perhaps!) and tried meditation, self hypnosis and visualisation (which I do find helpful). I also tried clinical hypnosis twice, autogenic therapy and most recently, I've been in counselling for two and a half years. Counselling has been amazing and has been transformative in many ways. My understanding of myself and my motivations is much better. My self care has improved no end. I am less self critical now and have a greater insight into how my past has shaped my current behaviours. However, despite some really intense work with my therapist, I still fall regularly into health anxiety patterns. It's very frustrating. I am having a break from therapy at the moment as virtual meetings are not really my thing, but I intend to get back to it once the virus is more under control.

04-05-20, 02:24
Yeah, those of us who are chronic sufferers are never going to be 100% 24/7. We will always have those days/weeks, usually under times of stress. Have you been stressed lately? The Covid situation pretty much has us all stressed, so it’s not surprising your HA is flaring up. Some times during my worst days the only thing that gets me through them is lots of exercise or a Xanax.

04-05-20, 05:19
Did you get it lasting over a few weeks though? That's what's worrying me.

That depends on the cause for me. From salt it would just be the next day or possibility day after. From stress it would last at least a week.

05-05-20, 16:05
I've booked a phone consultation with my Dr about by tongue. I manged to get some decent pics and it actually looks worse in the photos.