View Full Version : Upper back pain and breathing difficulty

20-04-20, 01:42
Greetings all,

As I know is the case with a lot of people here at the moment, my brain is currently a minefield of panic and I've been cycling through all the usual suspects of issues but there's one that is bothering me the most.

Since December, on and off, I've been getting pain between my shoulder blades that feels like it's impeding my ability to take a deep breath. It *feels* muscular but of course, I work to convince myself that it's something more sinister. I know my posture isn't good and I spend a lot of my time sat down hunched over a phone or laptop. Could it really just be that simple?

I tried doing some exercise today on a cross trainer (the benefit of being on lockdown with the parents!) for the first time in 3 years and managed 15 minutes and now feel even worse. I'm so paranoid that it's a heart problem or a lung problem and with everything else going on it's just compounding my fears. Any reassurances or suggestions would be gratefully accepted.

20-04-20, 02:33

I'm not going to provide any reassurances but I will provide a suggestion. Your post is filled justifiable reasons for what your experiencing. Go back and read your post and you'll find a plethora or reassurance.

Best Wishes