View Full Version : Worried about something!

20-04-20, 19:35
Hi there, I'm concerned about something that has been bothering me a for a while, i have been brushing it off and ignoring it, I have been having sensations of falling when I'm awake, I know people have them when drifting off to sleep, I have had them many times, but never while awake, I've had this for over 2 months now, sometimes weeks go by without having them, i had it today while sitting in the bathtub, I got a feeling that I was falling and i even flinched to stop myself. The last time it happend was in the bathroom as well when I was drying myself off with a towel, felt a feeling of falling that was nearly 2 months ago, I had a blood test and it came back normal. I'm 26 years old, my anxiety been under control so it dont think it is that because I haven't been feeling anxious.

20-04-20, 20:42
I think that this is one of those moments when you’ve been tense & your body relaxes without you meaning to and you get that sensation. I’ve had it many times and sometimes it is a bit disconcerting. You just need to take a couple of deep breaths and start again. It’s ok.

21-04-20, 03:17
Consulting with health professionals is the best thing to do to address the problem.