View Full Version : Is this irrational - brain eating amoeba worry

22-04-20, 04:19
I bought my young children an inflatable pool this weekend. They used it today - while they were playing and splashing around this random worry popped into my head.

Am I being irrational or is there a chance of them catching something this sinister from the faucet water filling the pool?Even With covid, and some other things going on - I feel like I’ve been doing pretty well anxiety-wise but this one is getting to me.
Just want to know if this is irrational or if this is something to worry about.

22-04-20, 05:20
When I was a kid I used to swim in a dam, play with the water hose, drink it, swim in it, and I'm from Australia, so we did it all the time. Nothing ever ate my brain from the water ;)

22-04-20, 08:23
I mean this in the nicest way but yes, you are being irrational. The odds of that happening in that situation and from tap water are pretty much zero, think of all of the people out there who have pools like that and how many people you know who have gotten a brain eating amoeba from one.

Like SnowyGreen said I also used to play with the garden hose all the time as a kid and nothing bad ever happened! :) Enjoy the time with your kids, I hope they love the pool!! I wish the weather where I live was warm enough for pools...hopefully soon *crosses fingers* lol

23-04-20, 04:20
Thank you - I also grew up in playing in pools and in the river almost daily sometimes in the summer and never have this stuff a thought. I don’t even know why I did this time. I figured it was pretty irrational but I guess especially with my children - the fears can be overwhelming at times! Thanks for replying!

23-04-20, 04:25
Thank you - and it was nicely said! I had a feeling it was pretty irrational, honestly. I didn’t mention it to my husband for that reason. Lol i even thought to myself about how many of the pools had flown off the shelves at the store and how many other children were playing in the same water and told myself I was being silly.

But as night came I let the worrying take hold. Thank you for the reply! They did have a blast and we are in a southern state so it has been super hot already some days - it was nice to beat the heat a little!

23-04-20, 06:34
When I was a kid I used to swim in a dam, play with the water hose, drink it, swim in it, and I'm from Australia, so we did it all the time. Nothing ever ate my brain from the water ;)

Yep I did the same,swam in my grandparents dirty old dam with yabbies and drank tank water
I’m still kicking.:D

23-04-20, 08:33
Yep I did the same,swam in my grandparents dirty old dam with yabbies and drank tank water
I’m still kicking.:D

The yabbies used to scare me, I always thought they would bite my toes lol

23-04-20, 23:45
Subtlety put, it’s irrational. Not trying to be offensive. I can do the math for you if you’re put at ease by numbers. This used to be a worry of mine. One of the worries of mine actually. You could take certain steps each time they play to ease your worries like putting new water in it, though that would be a hassle.

25-04-20, 03:52
I drained it and haven’t refilled it yet because I did want new water - It was a hassle lol but since it’s not a big huge pool it doesn’t have a filtering system or cleaner so it freaks me out a little more 😂😬