View Full Version : hello :)

30-01-05, 18:03
hello everybody,

this is my first time joining a members site. i would like to introduce myself to everyone as a new member :) my name is Helen, i am 49 and i have suffered from panic attack for 23 years, due to this i am unable to leave my house, on occassions i have managed to go over the road to the shops with another adult. i have 2 wonderful daughters that are always there to support me and will do anything to help their mum. by finding this site i am now aware and feel a little better knowing that i am not alone in the world and other people do suffer from panic attack like my self. i was wondering if there was anyone on the site that suffer from the same medical disorder as myself and would like to chat.

i look forward to hearing from people and i'm always here to listen and share my own personal experiences with anyone if i can help or anyone needs advice on topics if i feel that i can help on a particular topic as i'm still learning myself about my condition :)

30-01-05, 18:13
hello there,

Welcome to the site!! :)

We are all in the same boat here so there is always someone to talk to. Everyone here is lovely and I'm sure you will receive loads of support.

Sarah :D

30-01-05, 18:22
Hi Helen

Welcome to the forum.

Have you ever had any professional help for the panic attacks like CBT? Do you think that you will be able to get out again and overcome the agoraphobia?

I am sure that we can provide you with some excellent advice and support and maybe we will get you back out there again.

Look forward to hearing more from you.


30-01-05, 18:29
Hi Helen

Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you have been suffering with this for so long. I've had depression and social phobia for over 20 years. Have you had any treatment?

I'm sure you'll get loads of good advice and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

30-01-05, 18:32

thanks for the reply you all sound so nice. I did seek professional help, but it didn't help me at the time. It is even harder for me to seek professional help now due to the fact that i can no longer go out to get help. but i am working hard to try and get back out there again. i have been reading the past posts and i too feel that the Glenn Harrold CD's are very helpful, at the presant time i am using the 'Over Coming Fears and Phobia's' CD. This is how I am managing to go to the shops sometimes.

30-01-05, 20:04
Hi Nell, Welcome to the site. You said about a chat? we have a chatroom at
Someone there each night after about 8 30pm, Pop in and have a chat you are most welcome. take care, Vernon

31-01-05, 08:54
Hi Helen

Welcome to the site, I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here just like I have. You will find get plenty of advice and support from everyone.

Take care

Elaine x

31-01-05, 18:52
hi and welcome hope you find the site helpful i know i do

fan x

01-02-05, 08:35
Hi Hellen,

Welcome to the site

There are lots of nice people here who will give
you help and supprot.



01-02-05, 11:40
Hi Nell,

Good for you to be making progress.

Let us know what you need a bit extra help with ..


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance