View Full Version : Major blip....due to meds?

23-04-20, 07:39
Hi all

I’ve suffered HA for a long time but the past year has been more GA. I resumed citalopram 10mg last July and then upped to 20mg in December. Things have been mostly fine until Friday last week. Now I just can’t stop crying etc. About 5 days later, I noticed I’d been taking tablets from a 10mg box, not 20 so had been on half dosage for about 8/9 days. I’ve been back on 20 for 3 days now. Is this likely the problem? I feel so sad and low and anxious.



23-04-20, 23:28
About 5 days later, I noticed I’d been taking tablets from a 10mg box, not 20 so had been on half dosage for about 8/9 days. I’ve been back on 20 for 3 days now. Is this likely the problem? I feel so sad and low and anxious.

Yes, the sub therapeutic dose is the most likely cause of the relapse, Naomi, although the stress of current events may be playing a part too. ADs don't directly address anxiety (or depression), but work by stimulating the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampal regions of the brain (neurogenesis). It is the new cells that provide the therapeutic response, not the AD and it needs a minimum amount of the drug to initiate and sustain the process. For citalopram this is about 20mg. It may take a week or so at 20mg to get the anxiety and depression under control again.

24-04-20, 19:08
This was a brill response, thanks, makes so much sense. Hope you are well.

25-04-20, 00:48
Hope you are well.

Thank you, Naomi. Like many I'm beginning to experience some 'cabin fever' but otherwise doing okay.