View Full Version : Slight pain in chest since last night?

23-04-20, 18:40
With everything going on it’s no surprise that I am very anxious as many of us all are. The state I live I isnt doing too well. Our stay at home order just got extended another 30 days. I’ve had this issue happen in the past and it always scares me. Yesterday I was eating a cheeseburger and as soon as I finished I felt the need to keep hiccuping. That went away and later that night I layed down in my bed and I felt like my chest began to get this hurting sensation in the left side. It really scared me and continued most of the night. It’s not a super bad pain or sharp, I just know that it’s there so I focus on it.

In the past my doctor has prescribed me a medicine that works like Prilosec and I have had a couple of doctors out it down to GERD or anxiety, or a mixture. The last time I went to a doctor with this similar symptom was in December I believe. Over the summer I had asked one of the doctors for an X-ray to check up on everything. He told me no and told me that unnecessary radiation was going to lead to a “real” issue.

I took my blood pressure and it read somewhere around 123/82. My pulse has remained in the 90-100’s, but I know that I am nervous. Now I am even more anxious because I’m scared it’s something with my heart or even a blood clot. In the summer I had pressure in my chest and a couple of blood tests and EKGS and everything seemed okay. My last normal checkup was in early March.

It’s just scary because I can’t run to the hospital or even a doctor... I feel like that’s a sure way to get the virus. Im not sure if age has anything to do with it but I turned 20 recently. I’m just sad this is how my entire life is going to be. One thing after the other with worry. It never ends.

23-04-20, 23:41
Is the pain constant? Did it happen only after you ate?

24-04-20, 00:18
I noticed it when I laid down last night after I ate. Other than that it isn’t absolutely constant. It kind of comes and goes the more I put my mind on it. I’ve had this similar thing happen before and my doctors put it down to anxiety / GERD. I went to the doctor in January about it again and she told me that once I have acid reflux it never really goes away. The only other symptom I had was that after I ate I kept hiccuping. My dog also jumped on me and her paw hit my chest pretty hard yesterday. But it doesn’t feel sore when I move. The only comfort I have is that this isn’t the first time I’ve had and it always ends up going away. None of the doctors I had seen were ever concerned about my heart. Besides a time I was in the ER and my heart rate shot up but they believed it was anxiety. My doctors have always thought this was heart burn. During this quarantine I have been eating a bit of junk food

24-04-20, 06:48
I feel like as I’m trying to sleep it seems a little more constant. It kind of feels like a need to burp and when I did it’s like nasty stuff came up. I’m going to start Prilosec in the morning. My doctor had me in omeprazole in the summer and I wish I had more. I’m so scared that this is something with my heart or a blood clot. I know it can be acid reflux which the doctors think I have had in the past but I can’t shake this horrible feeling. I’m scared to go to the doctor because then I feel like I will get the virus for sure and bring it home to my pregnant sister who also has asthma. Or what if he thinks I need to go to the hospital or something and then I have to go alone. I can’t handle this. I feel like I can’t breathe properly but I think my anxiety is starting to take over. I’m scared I’m going to die

24-04-20, 09:18
Sounds like acid reflux. Call the doc and get some omeprazole.

28-04-20, 00:25
That is what I was pretty much thinking too. It started a day after I ate a hamburger. It’s like I immediately began hiccuping and then when I laid down I felt an uncomfortable sensation in my chest. It continued on the next few days and 5 days later is still kinda going today. I’m on day 4 of Prilosec. A couple or nights ago I seemed to need to keep belching, and it’s like stuff was coming up a little. Gross I know. If I drank water I got this cold feeling in my throat and if I burped it would come back up.

That went away for the most part. I’m just left with this uncomfortable tight feeling in my chest. Right where my heart is. The exact same symptom I had over the summer and in December. In the summer my two ekgs were fine. Doctors believed reflux mixed with anxiety. The Prilosec hadn’t worked for me over the summer but the medicine my dr prescribed me seemed to help.

In December I went for the same thing ands different dr told me she believed it was anxiety and reflux as well. I think they have a record on me at that urgent care. I’m trying to remind myself that this exact thing has happened before. But the other half of me wants to run to urgent care and have another ekg just for a peace of mind. However I am 20 and live with my parents and they are very much against this and told me since there’s cases in my small county im likely to come in contact with the coronavirus.

It’s not like I’m grabbing my chest or anything. I just feel it constantly. My blood pressure ( according to our home one ) is mostly okay. My heart rate is usually within normal range but will go up to 120 if I am very nervous.

So right now I am fighting myself. My parents told me if they really believed there was something wrong They would tell me it is okay. But they told me this has been an ongoing thing with me in the past and several doctors have told me I’m fine. But that was 4 months ago since I last saw a doctor about this. At the time she told me once someone has acid reflux it wil come back and will flare up from time to time. I just don’t know! I want reassurance but I also don’t want to upset my parents and expose myself to the corinavirus. In December when I felt this I drove myself straight to urgent care after work and as soon as the lady assured me it was my anxiety or reflux I left there and suddenly it completely away. However, over the summer it took 4 different doctors and almost two months to finally convince me I wasn’t going to die.

28-04-20, 03:00
I made myself get on the treadmill just a few minutes to get my heart rate. It did not make my chest discomfort worse. I remember a dr telling me if it was cardiac it would get worse with exercise. . Now I’m worrying about a blood clot though.

28-04-20, 07:51
I made an appointment at an urgent care for 9 in the morning. ( 7 hours from now ) I am beyond terrified. When I’m laying down my chest just feels like something is squeezing/tugging/burning. I’m going to have them hopefully at least run at EKG. I’m terrified of going because we have cases of Covid in my county and I’m sure some have went there. I’m just scared that they are going to admit me to the hospital tomorrow and that my parents won’t be able to come with and I’ll be alone getting test after test done. I was close to driving myself to the ER. My mind is going a thousand miles an hour right now. The only symptom I really have that can point to acid reflux is that sometimes when I go to burp it’s like stuff is coming back up. I am so anxious for the morning. 😔

28-04-20, 08:25
I am not sure what just happened.. I just got up and began putting my shoes on. I went and woke my parents up and told them that I had to go to the ER. I felt like I was going to pass out, my heart was pounding, I could literally see color when I blinked. I asked them to please drive me because I was too scared to drive myself. I have never felt such a fear go through me. But I got screamed at and called a wackjob instead which really didn’t help. They told me I had a panic attack but I don’t think so that was way too real. It’s currently 2:30 in the morning. I am trying to calm myself down but I can’t

28-04-20, 08:32
I am not sure what just happened.. I just got up and began putting my shoes on. I went and woke my parents up and told them that I had to go to the ER. I felt like I was going to pass out, my heart was pounding, I could literally see color when I blinked. I asked them to please drive me because I was too scared to drive myself. I have never felt such a fear go through me. But I got screamed at and called a wackjob instead which really didn’t help. They told me I had a panic attack but I don’t think so that was way too real. It’s currently 2:30 in the morning. I am trying to calm myself down but I can’t

Panic attacks are real, hence they feel very real. You have yourself in a spiral, it’s going to come to a head eventually.

Take some time and do some relaxation and grounding, panic attacks are rough both physically and emotionally, it’s going to take some time to come out of, however with the underlying stress you’ve put on yourself calming down is going to be very hard.

Serious matters don’t stop and start and certainly wouldn’t of let off enough for you to post here after being yelled at.

Positive vibes,


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28-04-20, 15:33
Thank you for replying last night. I was in a really bad place with worry. I went to the dr and told her I was having issues with acid reflux and they pretty much ran to it and didn’t really listen to me tell them any symptoms. The lady listened to my heart and breathing and just said I am too young and healthy to have this be heart related so to get that out of my mind. And I wish I could but I can’t.

I didn’t really get a chance to explain the tightness I felt all day all the time. I was kind of freaked out at how close she was standing to me when I had to pull my mask down for her to look in my throat. She then gave me a weird look she asked if I had a sore throat which I dont. So now I’m worried there’s something wrong with my throat. And now I’m worried I caught Covid 19 from being there.

Grrr. I need to try and trust them on this and get a grip on myself. I’m just embarrassed. I could tell the people really did not want me there and the lady kept repeating that they are not really encouraging people to come in. And of course I can see why. But I panicked and was scared and I wore a mask And tried to keep my distance when possible to help protect them too. I know everyone thinks that I am absolutely nuts in my family. And sometime is really believe that I am. I don’t know why I can’t control my mind.

28-04-20, 21:37
A number called and I have asked them to refer me to a place for therapy. I have my regular pediatrician who prescribes me my antidepressant, but I am thinning it is probably time to take this step as well. I have promised myself I would do this so many times in the past.

I am just really struggling with this. Every time I feel a twinge or pain like sensation in my chest I start panicking again. It’s just constant. I wish the dr would have done an ekg or sone thing. When I began talking about it being heart related she stopped me right there and told me I’m far too young for that. I’m trying to believe her. This pain is just so real ☹️

28-04-20, 21:41
However, I can only be with my pediatrician for another year. So I will be on the look for a new doctor. I am just wondering if I should ask to be referred to a psychiatrist or therapist.

28-04-20, 21:56
I am just wondering if I should ask to be referred to a psychiatrist or therapist.

I truly believe that would be in your own best interest.

Positive thoughts

29-04-20, 00:00
Yes they are referring me for therapy. I am going to have to wait awhile for the place to be having appointments again, but I’m hoping with a combination of therapy and medication I can start living a somewhat normal life. For now I will continue to get back on my medication. I just need an appointment to refill it. I’m trying to avoid going to the doctor but today I went to urgent care because I knew they had an ekg machine. However She did not think that was necessary at all. So she did listen to my heart but didn’t really say anything. I’m sure they can tell at least a little bit by listening to it though. I’m just really struggling. I want it to go away. Tums and Prilosec aren’t working and I’m stuck in my anxious mind. Last night when I woke my parents up and told them I needed to go to the ER I’m so glad they didn’t take me. I woke them up because I was in pain from my chest and my blood pressure registered as high so I suddenly felt dizzy and like I was about to pass out so I didn’t think I could drive. The back of my head started hurting and I just felt insanely light headed. It was a very scary moment and I have not had anything to that extent before.

29-04-20, 02:44
I'm glad you're getting referred and I hope you can get in soon.

Your experience last night sounds like a panic attack. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Hang in there.

Best Wishes

30-04-20, 04:40
It was a very scary experience. I had fully made myself believe that I was going to pass out. When I went to look into it I realized just how dang expensive therapy is. I just finished paying for my summer and fall classes and I donÂ’t have money left over to be doing it unfortunately with my other bills. ( I had to take the entire year off of school this year due to medical bills I got myself into over this same chest crap!) I even tried looking into having it online, but it is still about $200 a month. It just really stinks, I donÂ’t know how I will ever get myself straightened out!

Last night I slept pretty well, not much pain or burning like the night before. Today there were parts of the day I didnÂ’t notice any sensation in my chest at all, then it would come back when I thought about it. Right now it seems to be back a little bit but I believe I have myself all worked up. I want to get better. So bad. IÂ’m so tired of worrying. IÂ’m only 20 and I have been like this since I was 14 or 15.

In fact I believe I know what really set it off for me. I was in 8th grade and I went to urgent care very with pneumonia. As I was there I remember being terrified because of how sick I was feeling. My heart rate shot up to something crazy like 160. The nurse and another doctor cane into the room absolutely freaking out and began hooking me up to an ekg while my dad tried to calm me down. But the dr kept telling my dad how serious this could be and that I might need to go to the hospital as he was trying to get me to calm down. I remember I just kept asking my dad and the nurse if I was going to die. And the nurse just kind of shrugged and said “well let’s hope not today.” This canÂ’t be how I live my entire life. IÂ’m tired of pushing everyone away once they realize how much of a mess I am.