View Full Version : Waiting for x-ray results. Scared of this lump

25-04-20, 00:40
After six weeks of tormenting myself through Dr. Google inside my house because of the lockdown, I discovered that a nearby multi-speciality clinic opened a few days ago, but on a limited capacity. Basically, the doctors manning the clinics were PCPs like family medicine doctors and internists (internal medicine). Unfortunately, no orthopedic specialist was on duty since our country went into hard lockdown.

The doctor who saw me was an internal medicine doctor. I told her about the hard lump on front of my right knee which I discovered when I was folding my legs in the sofa (again, the lump is not visible if my legs are straight or if I'm in a normal sitting position).

She saw and felt the lump. She laughed a bit and said that she thinks it could be just a normal part of my bone in the knee, just a prominent one. She said our bodies aren't necessary symmetrical. She also mentioned that the fact that there was no pain, no swelling, no other symptoms, she was inclined to believe it was nothing to lose sleep over.

She granted my request to have an x-ray just to confirm. So after that consultation, I went into the x-ray services and had my knee photographed. The technician said results will be out in 3 days.

Now as I sit here and type this, I couldn't help but let dark thoughts take over me again. My mind goes, "How could she say those reassuring things? She's not an orthopedic specialist!"

What I've learned from Dr. Google is that majority of lumps in the bone are actually benign tumors (with scary-sounding names), BUT, there is always that small chance that it could turn into the big C. Of course, as an HA sufferer, I'm inclined to catastrophize that even if this turns out to be a harmless tumor, I will always live in fear that anytime it could turn into the big C (I'm 29 years old).

Can anybody please help me calm down as I wait for the results?

25-04-20, 00:44
I would believe a real doctor over Dr Google to be honest

25-04-20, 01:16
I would believe a real doctor over Dr Google to be honest

I know it won't help but :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

25-04-20, 13:57
Thanks, fish and nomorepanic. Just can't help it :(

29-04-20, 23:13
Hi all,

Just wanted to give an update.

X-ray came back. I was so scared as hell. Long story short: the doctor didn't find anything concerning.

The images were given to me in CD form because they couldn't print it in film because the material was in shortage due to the lockdown. They gave me the written report by the radiologist, which was also evaluated by my doctor.

It says that my tibial something appears prominent (which is the lump I see) and there is no definite swelling in surrounding tissues. Osgood–Schlatter disease (OSD) could not be ruled out. There is a haze behind my knee, but radiologist noted that it could be technical in nature, meaning it's an anomaly from the x-ray like how I positioned my leg during the procedure. No fracture, no swelling, etc.

The doctor said if there were a tumor, even a benign one, the radiologist would put it there. So I guess the lump thing is really just an "anatomical" finding.

She said she could refer me to an orthopaedic in the future if I experience pain or something or to give me better advice regarding any concern especially that I do lots of walking and running. But on that note, she said she doesn't really have anything else to worry about.

She said that if this lump were suspicious, it would've grown rapidly and have been very, very painful.

When I got home, I saw a photo of mine back in 2017 when I was prepping for a marathon and tying my shoe laces. Lo and behold, the lump was visible! I guess I really had it for a long time.

Still kinda scared, but relieved for now. HA still creeps at the back of my mind thinking the radiologist missed something or misinterpreted a tumor as a mere anatomical prominence. I dunno.

Thank you all for the support.