View Full Version : Waking up in the night

15-10-07, 02:03
I just wondered if anybody wakes up in the middle of the night with a Panic Attack, usually 2 to 3 hours after i have fallen asleep, i get ringing in the ears and i feel sick, i get to the point where i don't want to go to bed.

15-10-07, 02:12
Hi, Yes, I get this, its kind of a startled feeling? Ive had it a good while, only now and again, its a very scary feeling and yes I feel sick, sometimes think it may be something to do with digestion. I do sometimes get ringing in the ears, but not usually when I wake up in the night.

15-10-07, 18:53

Theres quite a few threads on the common Symptoms section of the forum that may help hun also.



17-10-07, 00:13
i wake up often a\nd spend agaes trying to get back to sleep because i feel like something is wrong and get panicky. i didnt realise other people felt like this so thank you really for bringing it up!

17-10-07, 01:05
The brain tries to resolve problems while we are asleep. It does this by creating scenario's (dreams) which try to resolve what is bothering us in our daily lives. If it's unsuccessful, then it tends to be a reoccurring thing - that's why we sometimes get reoccurring nightmares. While you are dreaming, we sometimes get into a scenario involving panic, which is why we sometimes wake up in one. There's a lot of research going on into depression and dreaming, which eventually could lead to a quicker recovery.

17-10-07, 07:25
my daughter wokie up in the night with an attack and is so tired she now doesn't feel well enough for school. Don't know what to do as she is getting more and more and missing quite a lot of school. I bought her some BAch flower oil yesterday (Aspen I think) but it's too early to see if it's working. She didn't have it in her bedroom at 5 in the morning though and was too scared to get out of bed. Got herself in a state and took ages to get back to sleep. Any advice?

17-10-07, 18:10
I can see this is quite a common thing! But it really is scary! I don't know about anybody else, but i don't like the night!

17-10-07, 18:23
Hi WD,

When I was ill I dreaded the night time. I'd go to bed at about 12 midnight, after having a not too bad couple of hours between about 9.00pm til then, and just knew that any time between 2.30 and 4.00 am I'd wake up in a horrendous state of panic - uuh, I shudder just thinking of it now.

What got me over this was the following:

I decided that, as I always woke in a panic, Iwould stay awake all night and see what happened. I was dreading it and my hubby didn't want me to do it but I was convinced that if I could pass that 'threshold' then the worst would be behind me.

So, there I sat in the lounge watching rediculous programmes on the tv - anything to distract myself from watching the clock all the time! 2.00am came and went. 3.00am, eyelids drooping now, came and went. Then the dreaded 4.00am........came and went!

I still felt fragile and vulnerable but there was none of the horrific tremors, sweats, shivering and fear that usually confronted me whenever I woke in the night.

So, I stayed up until I couldn't keep my eyes open any more and went to bed at about 7.30am. I awoke at 10.00am feeling as though I'd just come out of a very dark fog. I have only had a few occasions since when I had a pa at night - it was nowhere near as bad as that awful period a couple of years ago, and I was in control all the time.

Don't know if this has been of any help to you - and if you do try it I can't guarantee it will work for you too.

Just wanted to encourage you really and share my own experience of it.

hugs for you


17-10-07, 18:43
Thanks very much for the advice GroovyGranny, it's definitley worth a try, at the moment i have a laptop at the side of my bed and some chewing gum and extra strong mints, the first thing i do is turn to them to try and focus on something else, the mints and chewing gum is for if i feel nausea, and if all that fails then i'm in a real mess and i have to wake my poor wife up!
This website has really helped me, everybody is in the same boat and very willing to help each other.

Thanks and hugs to you too :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :flowers:

17-10-07, 21:21
You're very welcome WD,

Must say my hubby is primed for the 'dig in the ribs' at a moment's notice lol !! :)

This website has been a godsend to me too - I'll never regret joining.

If you do try 'The GG method', let me know how you get on ?!!
