View Full Version : Reassurance!!!

15-10-07, 09:30
Hi there
I've not been on here for quite some time, have been trying to get on with life and ignore any symptoms etc but today i just felt the need to come on here and post this message and hopefully get some reassurance.

Today i don't feel right/well......i'm so constantly tired all the time that its driving me crazy. I got up to take hubby to work and as i was driving along i started get a sharp pain on the inner left arm at the top. It didn't last long but then it keeps coming back every now and then. Once home i got out the car the felt so dizzy i had to hold on to the door as i felt i was going to fall over :ohmy:. We've had a lot going on and i think i'm stressed at the moment but when these symptoms happen it scares me :weep:.

Also i've noticed some white spots appear on my eyelid and i've been told that it could be connected with high cholesterol.....so ok i should go and get a test done but i don't want to hear the results.....stupid i know. The last time i had my blood pressure checked it was 135/85 which is high for me but the doctor seemed to be ok about it. So also what with the fact that i suffer with ectopic beats, high (ish) blood pressure and possibly high cholesterol....then getting this arm pain this morning you can all guess what was going through my mind.

Sorry to go on but was wondering if anyone could just give me some assurance or advice.


15-10-07, 20:15
Ok lets take each thing in turn....

Are you sleeping well? Do you get much physical exercise each day? Have you had bloods checked for anemia and thyroid?

Had you eaten before going out this morning?

Not heard that about the white spots - I just heard they were fatty deposits. If you have high cholesterol it is no big thing and can be sorted with meds if it really comes to that.

Blood pressure sounds fine to me.

Stress will make this 10 ten times worse. I am stressed at the moment and certainly feel a lot worse for it.

All can be contributed to that so take some time to look after yourself, get some rest and relaxation and see how that goes.

16-10-07, 20:32
Hi Tracy! I know how you feel with the chest, arms, shoulder, throat etc.. etc.. pains which come out of no where and the dizziness, it's horrible. :meh:

I may be able to help you with one of your concerns though. I also have white spots around my eyes and have done for as long as I can remember, I only have a couple now, but I used to have more. They are called Milia and here's a link http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ask_the_doctor/milia.shtml. I'm sure this is a pretty safe one to research if you want to look into it further.