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30-01-05, 19:03
hi all will keep it brief i am mandy i am 25yrs old and have recently suffered a relapse in my postnatal depression and i am also suffering with anxiety went to the doctor recently who put me back on prozac have just stopped taking it last may. i think the worst part of this illness has been the constant pain in my chest and palpitations which have left me constantly thinking i was about to have a heart attack i look forward to chatting to you all and making friends
love and best wishes

30-01-05, 19:22
hi Mandy,

Welcome to the site!! :)

I often experience chest pain and I agree that it is a very unpleasant symptom. It can be very scary but knowing that you have nothingto worry about is the key to it going away.

Everyone here is very friendly and helpful so I'm sure you will receive loads of support.

Sarah :D

30-01-05, 20:01
hi mandy, welcome to the site, I am sure you will find all the help you need here, good luck Vernon

31-01-05, 08:58
Hi Mandy

Welcome to the site.
Ilike you used to suffer with chest pain when my anxiety was acute, still get it occassionally which brings on panic!
I used to carry a bottle of fizzy water eith me everywhere which made me burp and alleviated the pains!
You will get lots of help and support here

Take care

Elaine x

31-01-05, 14:07
hi welcome im sure you will find the site very useful

fan x

31-01-05, 14:51
Hi Mandy,

Its nice to have you join us. I'm quite new as well. :)

31-01-05, 15:28
Hi Mandy

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

31-01-05, 15:45
hi mandy

I'm a newbie here as well, have only just joined and it's already lifted my spirits.

Just knowing that you're not alone makes you feel so much better.

Good luck

katie x

put things in perspective, take a balanced view, when u start to count your troubles, count your blessings too.

01-02-05, 08:41
Hi Mandy

Welcome to the site



01-02-05, 11:32
HI Mandy,

This is one of the most common sets of symptoms. Its a viscious circle initially between you geting anxious which sets off adrenalin which changes the speed of your heart beat naturaly, then you get anxious about it which does it more.

It will not harm you, it is a natural process that happens to everyone every day and the chest pain is just teh chest muscles tightening so do some exercise and stretching to relieve this and then carry on with whatever you were doing in your day. Do not stop any activities or outings.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

01-02-05, 17:10
Hi Mandy

Welcome aboard.

This may help explain the chest pains ....

Heart palpitations/chest pains:

One of the most worrying symptoms is chest pains or a tight feeling in your chest. The immediate thought is "heart attack" or "stroke" and this only worries you more. You may also notice that your heartbeat is incredibly fast and again this leads to the worry that you will have a heart attack. There is no evidence that Panic and anxiety has any adverse effect on the heart and the pains are easily explained. When you start panicking the whole of you body becomes tense and your muscles tense up also. This is also true of the heart as after all it is just another (albeit very important) muscle.

The chest pains are due to the constricting of the heart muscles and apparently the best cure is to start exercising and stretching these muscles to relieve the pain. Although you may not feel like doing any exercise whilst getting these pains, try stretching your arms above and behind your head and bending over gently to relieve the pain. If you are worried that it may be a heart problem, then make an appointment to see your G.P. who will be able to rule out any heart problems.

If your G.P. has given you the all clear then do not be alarmed if the chest pains come back and last for more than a day and you think it is related to panic, although it is painful and worrying, the pains will go away if you try gentle exercise and not think about them.

Hope we can be of some help to you.
