View Full Version : Blocked ear tubes, arghhh!

15-10-07, 10:32
Its driving me mad, I suffer almost every day of a blocked ear tube on my left, the tube from ear to throat. I haven't got a cold, the kids do though and coughs. My left ear tube seems to get like this often, I had a ct scan last year and that was fine, dr was checking for sinus probs. I saw an ENT surgeon this year too and he checked my ears and did a test to check for a build up of fluid in the tubes and both were perfect. He said he has no idea what it is, its only my left tube but down that tube I do have some small but raised glands almost constantly, the ENT dr said there was a thickness but im a glandy person anyway so said they are nothing to worry about.

DO you think that could be whats causing the blocked feeling in that tube if the glands are up abit? my right tube has no raised glands.

IT just feels like there is a blockage in the tube and I need to pop it or swallow hard and it will go, hard to explain but you get the drift, lol!

My left nostril is a tiny bit snotty at times but nothing bad. I just seem to suffer with my left an awful lot. I don't get sinus headaches and my nostril are clear, ie i can breath freely so GP said unlikely its chronic sinusitis. In the past my GP has said ive fluid in my ears/glue ear but ENT dr said that wasn't the case at all:winks:

15-10-07, 20:43
I have partially blocked eustacian tube in left ear and it constantly blocks up on and off all day. I have had MRI scan of ear etc and all normal but this ear is annoying. I have had it for past 10 years:weep: I also get a noise like a stood on crisp packet when I pop my ear and I go through phases of different things like a week or so of everytime I bend over and come back up my ear pops or times when I can't hold the phone to my ear as it makes my eardrum bang! I also get ringing in that ear for a few seconds a couple of times a day. My nose is also completely clear but I do have an allergy problem overnight in that every morning I wake up and sneeze for england and my nose streams my eyes water and my throat is completely bunged up until I have coughed:blush: sorry for tmi! I tested positive for house dust mite allergy and pet hair but have no pets and tried so hard to get rid of house dust mites but this must be cause of overnight gunk. I assume some of this gunk gets trapped in left tube???

Just another rotten symptom for us to wory over:mad:

15-10-07, 22:29
Thank you,

Oh so you had an mri? I had a ct scan so just of my head which found no problems either.

My dr thinks it might be allergy related.

16-10-07, 14:52
Forgot to say this did come on after cleaning my house ALOT on monday last week, ive felt this blocked feeling ever since then and today my left nostril aches and feels a tiny bit blocked. Its always my left side though, never my right.

16-10-07, 19:51
Its always my left as well, maybe we are made with a slightly narrow left tubes than right:D

16-10-07, 21:53
We must be, lol!

So do you get it every day?

16-10-07, 23:56
Yep I have some variety of ear symptoms every day for last 15 years I guess. Today I keep getting as feelingas if my left ear is going to burst just for a few seconds its not painful but the sensation of about to pop balloon is amazing.

17-10-07, 13:51
I get that too, today I just feel like my left ear if full of gunk, I can hear fine and it doesn't hurt, I sometimes get an awful pressure in it though.

If I swalow it sounds like it wants to pop but it can't and if i hold my nose and try to blow it just won't pop at all.

17-10-07, 19:09
Sounds very much like partly blocked tube. I had a grommet inserted in mine 5 eyars ago to see if it would unblock it but all it did was give me unbelievably strange hearing and my head sounded hollow!! I was very glad when it healed up and fell out after 9 months, I def wouldn't advise having that done if anyone suggests it:lac:

04-11-07, 17:19
Thanks so much for your help countrygirl.

So your MRI scan was that just of your head? do you mean a CT scan? thats what I had 12 mths ago of my sinuses, not sure if that would of checked the ears though.