View Full Version : I think i have just had a massive panic attack.

15-10-07, 10:56
Got up late this morning and started feeling dizzy and woozy. By the time i got downstairs i could feel my heart racing but tried to pay it no attention. Managed to get to the car, just about, and by this time i was worse. Very dizzy and 'out of it' and my heart was going crazy although no ectopics.
I sat in the car trying to distract myself and it just got worse. I was controlling my breathing fine, no hyperventilation at all but this has never been a problem i have had anyway. I thought i would not be able to cope and i would just pass out and die! It just wouldn't stop at all. In the end i said to my hubby that he better take me to the hospital and gave him my wrist. He felt my pulse and just looked at me and said my colour was good, asked me if i had any pain, which i didn't, and he just said 'your fine'. I was shaking so much i couldn't keep my hand still but he just looked unconcerned. I thought i had flipped into taccy and i would have to go the hospital to be shocked or something. I was just so terrified, after about 10 minutes of this, and my heart rate was going so fast it has never been this fast before f0r me - about 240 bpm - it started to calm down and now i am just left very upset and fed up of being and feeling like this, and very shaky and scared. And feeling tired and yawning. This was so bad and it has really scared me, the worst part of course was my heart doing about 240, i have never had this before. Will i be ok?

15-10-07, 11:58
hi angie...
yes you will be ok... honestly
it certainly sounds like a panic attack to me... and yes it does leave you feeling tired...
try and have some chill out time now... and relax...
please try not to worry...
read the pages on panic attacks if you need re assuance.

15-10-07, 14:03
Oh Angie -
I've had that same thing a million times and lived (altho at the time I swore I couldn't make it thru it!!!).
You'll be just fine hun!!
You made it thru and it's over so try not to dwell on it too much.
I know that it's scary but it's over and you should just move on with your day darlin.
Did you eat anything this morning?
If not I would suggest that you have a little bite of something in the morning cuz the times that my anxiety and panic are always the worst is when I haven't eaten. I truely believe that when our blood sugar is lowest is when anxiety is at it's worst.
(((((HUGS))))) to ya!!

15-10-07, 18:56
Thanks for the replies. I am still scared as i also post on a heart forum with RLR, he spoke on here a while ago, and he said that i could have flipped into PAT, which is atrial tacchycardia, and this has freaked me again now.
Does anyone else have a heart rate of 240 whilst having a panic attack? Is it normal to be this high? This morning was awful and no matter what i tried it didn't stop and now i'm worried that it is more than i am trying to convince myself, that it was. I have had many a panic attack and have lived like this for the past three years, although i have got worse over the past month since i lost my dad! But i have never had a rate, as far as i know, of that high before and it felt horrible, scary and 'weird'. I also had the floaty, cloudy, can't cope, unreal, OMG i'm going to die feelings which i get with panic, but with a much higher heart rate. Please tell me this is ok, normal for panic and this is all it was, just panic and i am and will be fine.

funky chick
15-10-07, 18:58
Hi Ang,
aww i know how feel i too have had this many times and it is scary and does leave you really tired too. try not hold on to it i know easier said than done rember here for you always love Gailxxxxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

15-10-07, 19:22
I suffered with palpitations for other ten years. I seen various doctors, my heart was tested and found to be ok, and basically they just gave up on me. What used to happen was that i'd get this funny feeling in center of my stomach, just beneath the ribs, and then my pulse used to go sky high. At first, I used to go to the hospital after about two hours to get it put right, but then I learn't how to do it myself. by taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly - it doesn't work every time though. Do you know what was causing it... you'd never guess? It was having my belt fastened too tight that was causing it. Apparently gas moving around the intestines, or in my case not moving around, is one of the biggest causes of palpitations that's not heart related. Needless to say, since I stopped tightening my belt so much, I've been palpitation free.


17-10-07, 00:12
i have exactly thre same things lass, remember that you are not alone in these symptoms and anytime you have them come on here to reassure yourself.