View Full Version : unsure and anxious!

15-10-07, 13:36
Hi all again!

I posted a couple of days ago about an ibs issue. but i am so anxious and unable to talk myself down now, im sure that its something more sinister.
I get the incomplete feeling in my bowels, and feel like im always needing to be sitting on the loo. its not a diarrhea feeling, its just feels like there is something pushing or waiting, but i go and nothing comes out! i have noticed that when i have been occupied and busy, i have not had the feeling, but i then tell myself thats not because my mind is occupied, its because the symptom is not there at the moment. hope that makes sense? anyway couple anyone please help me, cause this is grinding me down very quickly.


15-10-07, 14:38
Hi saintdee,

Classic IBS symptom. Have had it myself.

Lisa x

16-10-07, 02:48
Yep I agree totally, i suffer from IBS and this is a classic symptom.

Try not to worry (easier said than done i know)


16-10-07, 20:30
A very classic IBS symptoms, as the others have said. I feel like this about 80% of every single day. I even felt like this before I went in for my colonoscopy, where they make you drink this stuff to empty your bowel the day before - I actually told the nurse I still felt I needed to go and she said that was more than likely my IBS. Lo and behold when they did the proceedure I was completely empty!

If you read anything about IBS that is one thing that is always stated - "feeling of incomplete evacuation". Please try not to let this bother you :hugs: