View Full Version : worried

30-01-05, 20:48
Hi I was wondering if anyone could answer a question I have its just I've read lots of peoples profiles and they have intrduced themselves and have said that they have been suffering from anxety andphobias for a number of years some even more than 20 years and I'm now worried as is it possibe to overcome this and get back to lead a normal life or is it on-going I'm starting CBT soon and was really confident that this will make me better I know it takes a lot of hard work but now I'm not so sure has anyone made a full recovery?

Lisa x


30-01-05, 20:59
hi Lisa,

I am almost confident that it IS possible to make a full recovery. I was diagnosed as suffering from panic attacks about 16 months ago. I have been on Cipralex and have done counselling and I think I am now 90% recovered. It does take a lot of work and the thought of panicking might always be at the back of your mind, but I do think it is possible for us all to get our lives back and be 99% our old selves.

Sarah :D

30-01-05, 21:11
hiya. I have been suffering anxiety and phobias for many years, but am sure you will recover, you are taking the right steps. the reason i think i have not recovered before now is that I have been a heavy drinker all my life to hide from the anxiety. I stopped drinking and facing my fears 14 months ago and starting to see light at the end off the tunnel now. and i am sure I will recover. Also people who do suffer for years do have many good years between attacks, and If you learn like you are doing with CBT you will fight it of and make any reacuring attacks short lived. Take Care , Vernon

01-02-05, 09:09
Hi Lisa

I became very ill back in june lsat year and was told that I was suffering with PA and anxiaty. I found this site at the end of August. Since then I am alot better in the last 2 weeks 100% better[^]
I do believe that there are people out there that are 100% better
but we don't here from them because they are getting on with there

Please Lisa believe in yourself you can do this,
you CAN learn how to make yourself feel better.



I found that I could find the energy.....
that I could find the determination to keep going on.
I learned that your mind can amaze your body,
If you just keep telling yourself,

01-02-05, 11:20
Hi Lisa,

A couple of reasons for you seeing that alot is that CBT and associated new treatments have only been available in the recent past so for years people struggled on unhelped and it is clear that the longer you suffer without any help the more ingrained the bad avoiding and panicky habits become thus making it more difficult to overcome them.

Also those people who are over it tend not to search out sites for additional help. They're busy getting on with their lives unimpeded now.

You are doing all the right things..you'll get there.

I'm over mine.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

01-02-05, 17:19

My life is loads better than it was about 4 years ago and people do get over it.

I still have a few issues but on the whole I am doing ok.

Like Meg said you don't find many people coming on these sorts of forums to post saying they are better so it is hard to hear from people that have completely recovered.

There is light at the end of the tunnel ok?


01-02-05, 17:27
Hi All,

Thank you for your replies. Its good to know that people do recover.

Thanks again
