View Full Version : Fear of Children Being Ill

15-10-07, 16:49
Hi, am new to this. My problem is am a hypochondriac, I know that, suffer from anxiety a lot of the time. The trouble is every time one of my kids gets ill I get so anxious, it gets worse each time. At the moment my eldest son has a lump on his leg. My stomach is churning I can't eat etc. I go and google it on the web and all that comes up is bone cancer blah blah. I know I shouldn't do this , so phoned the gp and he says to take him to see him next week if no better. Probably a rugby injury. Am sick of all this worry all the time. Had a bad experience when one of my children was diagnosed with Perthes disease (now better), 6 years ago and ever since then have been like this. Help!!!!!

16-10-07, 07:57
First off...Welcome to the site.

I am the exact same way as you. I am a walking ball of anxiety when one of my children get sick. I just went through the month of hell w/my baby...she just turned 1. We had to do the emergency room twice, I was a wreck..and my mind always tells me that it's the worst possible thing..I try to think positive, but my anxiety gets the best of me.

I also worry about the NEXT time they get sick too. I understand what you are going through, and it seriously can be so frustrating because deep down we know it's irrational. I mean come on, children get sick...it's their job!

I don't know that I have any great advice for you as I have this problem too. Just know that you aren't alone in this and that we are here to listen and offer whatever we can.

16-10-07, 10:21
Hi Barnie welcome, i am new to. I understand how you feel somtimes I lay awake at night imagining al sorts of things wrong, my son had a really bad stomach one xmas could only get any relief from the pain when lying down.I panicked thinking bowel cancer stomach cancer, turns out it was bad wind. I no it's easy to say don't worry but I'm sure it will be something simple not cancer. and don't google any more this only makes you more anxious. Hope all is well.
good luck

16-10-07, 14:10
Hi am new too. Am just the same - completely irrational when it comes to my children's health. They do not simply have a headache, they have a brain tumour, they don't have growing pains, they have bone cancer! It's a nightmare. I did see a counsellor and the only bit of advice I can give you is she told me to focus on the likelyhood of it being something nasty. There are far more simple,logical and common reasons to most symptoms, other than cancer. I do sympathise with you as it's awful to live with on a daily basis. Am sure your son will be finexx