View Full Version : Heart attack fear question?

15-10-07, 22:13
ive just been thinking about all of us who have ectopics,missed beats,pvc's and such who have a real fear of having a heart attack, how many episodes have you had where you were certain you were gonna have a heart attack?.Id be on 100+ where i thought "oh my god this is it im going to die".

16-10-07, 01:32
I;m with you Neil, i reckon i've thought i'm going to die 100+ times also. I'm having really bad ones now and i think it each night. You know though i ended up at the ER Saturday just gone, they said nothing to worry about, have seen two different doctors over the last few days they said nothng to worry about and try and ignore them. Thing is every time i sit down or when i go to bed they start and they don't stop until i get up and move around. I mean for goodness sake i can't keep active 24 hours a day, i need some sleep. They're driving me insane!

sorry for the rant.

16-10-07, 08:29
I;m with you Neil, i reckon i've thought i'm going to die 100+ times also. I'm having really bad ones now and i think it each night. You know though i ended up at the ER Saturday just gone, they said nothing to worry about, have seen two different doctors over the last few days they said nothng to worry about and try and ignore them. Thing is every time i sit down or when i go to bed they start and they don't stop until i get up and move around. I mean for goodness sake i can't keep active 24 hours a day, i need some sleep. They're driving me insane!

sorry for the rant.

no problem tracy ,i know how you feel.Im finding it really hard to sleep through them.Im lying awake at night either waiting for the to come or having my heart jump around all over the place..and im sick of it!!!!!!!!

16-10-07, 22:40
Hi Neil,

Yep same here, mines definitly get worse when I calm down or lie down....I think they can be exhausitng, even just thinking about them....on a bad day your mentally just waiting on the next one then on a good day you cant believe it is a good day and your still waiting on them kicking in!!!!!!!!!!

I have started using rescue remedy if I feel they are going to kick in when Im at work however Im still not sure if its doing any good or not, but its worth a try.

Shaz x

17-10-07, 04:59
yep i finally gave in and am now wearing yet another 24 hour monitor. I'm hoping my heart carries on doing all the really bad beats like it has been doing non stop but then i worry that although they will be recorded it might prove i have a diseased heart. Gosh can't win. Plus its a pain writing down the times etc on the symptoms sheet when they seem to be virtually non stop lol.

Well take care guys

17-10-07, 05:00
PS. Shaz, what is Rescue Remedy?

17-10-07, 22:40
PS. Shaz, what is Rescue Remedy?
Il second that what is it??

17-10-07, 23:03
Dr Bachs flower remedies and one of the is called rescue remedy. Its available in lots of pharmacies in UK. Supposed to be good for anxiety.

I have had ectopics for past 20 years and I notice them everyday - good times its just a couple of times a day but bad times it feels like everyother beat so I must have been worried literally thousands of times:wacko:

Just last night I got into bed and layed down and my heart was doing trampolining I think, I honestly thought it was going to break free and bounce down the bed:D It also was all over the place. I got my long suffering husband to listen to it and he said my ectopics were only every 10th beat and that it was beating strongly - yes I knew!

I have had so many Dr's say do some exercise if the ectopics are bad but as you say you can't run around for 24 hrs a day. :mad:

17-10-07, 23:30
I wouldn't mind to get some of that Rescue Remedy but i'll have to see if i can get it here in Australia.

I am now trying to learn to go to sleep with my heart bouncing all over the place. Sometimes when I wake in the nigth for about 8 seconds its fine then it starts. Not sure if i make it or i just wake up whilst its being normal :wacko:

Well take care


19-10-07, 00:27
Hi everyone,

Yes thats what it is...I just asked for rescue remedy in the herbal medicine shop and it has a little dropper and I put it directly on my tongue if the palps are starting....I have only starting using it more regular recently so Im still not sure how much its helping.

Shaz x