View Full Version : Looking for an old forum on Heart pains

31-01-05, 01:56
A long time ago, someone posted or replied to a post in regards to the feels we have around our heart and chest area. It really helped me understand gas pains and not to panic about these pains. If anyone remembers this or can re quote them I;d really appreciate them. It sort of had if they were under your breast bone it was your stomach and on top of the breast it was gas....
I have had off and on what kind of feels like a ball of air that comes above my left breast and when I breath in I feel it worst. I have had
some gas feeling in my tummy as well. Of course the worry of having something wrong with my heart doesn't help.

I am on holidays this week and would like to enjoy them by exercising and cleaning and no worries. Right now I am afraid to exercise.


31-01-05, 08:20

I will try and find it later cos the search times out at the moment - need to get the timeout value increased.

Will let you know.


31-01-05, 09:08

I used to get a lot of discomfort above and under my breasts, also in my collarbone. It's all to do with the tension in your neck apparently according to a GP friend of mine. She suggested going to see a chiropracter but after she told me what it was it started easing off and I stopped panicking and eventually it went. Hope this helps

Take care

Elaine x

01-02-05, 21:42
I have been advised that anxiety gets the old stomach acid which can trigger wind, indigestion, reflux and heartburn - I suffer terribly now and indigestion/heartburn/reflux was something I never got.

Take care


01-02-05, 22:20

there are too many posts to find the one you want - sorry.

Just be reassured that it is normal and you are ok.
