View Full Version : Wound wont heal on my leg, ingrown hair maybe? Causing huge anxiety

29-04-20, 03:19
HI All!
It's been a while since my last post here, I hope everyone is doing ok!?
I found a pus sore on my leg 5 days ago, I panicked and went into anxiety mode, I applied alcohol wipes to the area, wiped away the pus and put on some antiseptic cream. 5 days later there is no change it. It's sill a small ulcer type open sore on my leg, it's red and sore and I think ... I think, there is a little black line in there which might be an ingrown hair.
It's not getting worse, but it's not getting better, but I"m not leaving it alone either.
I asked the Dr yesterday - they are only doing video consults we are not allowed in and he said put a plaster on it and check it in a week.... haha yeah right!
I can't do that ... I ruminate, I think about it all the time, I can feel it sore, I touch it and clean it and then put a hot pack on it and panic it's sepsis or cellulitis. My anxiety about it is driving me nuts.
Anyone had something similar? Should I go back to the DR and demand an 'in room appointment' - should I leave it alone? What should I do, what do you do?
i've attacked it with a needle, and more alcohol wipes and it's all inflamed and sore, I wish I could see my DR physically, this is really hard for someone with health anxiety huh ..... please help ....... open type ulcer wound on leg not healing, anyone else?!

29-04-20, 04:23
Unless you are immune compromised or diabetic, I wouldn’t worry about it. It will take awhile to heal if the hair is trapped under the skin. If you’re not squeamish, you could break the skin and pull out the hair with tweezers, but you’d have to keep it really clean afterwards.

29-04-20, 04:24
Thanks for responding, I tried pulling it out but I can't find it or see it very clearly ... so I'm trying ... TRYING to leave it alone.... x

29-04-20, 15:48

Leave it alone! Stop touching it and do exactly what the doctor said. Sure, you'll ruminate about it and worry about it but ruminating and worrying isn't going to make it worse...it may make it better because you aren't poking and prodding at it. You could very well be hindering its healing because you keep touching it. Put the plaster on it and don't touch it. This could be a great time to practice mindfulness and breathing exercises to get your thoughts under control.

Best Thoughts