View Full Version : Dark Moles

29-04-20, 19:55
Reposting because I found my login info again:
Hi all 😞
Some info: 23, haven’t went tanning since I was 16, on birth control that has *really* been messing with my hormones.
I’m a moley person. I have spots of varying colors/sizes, and have had many panic attacks and so far two mole removals due to them (both were benign, just atypical.)
However, last night while relaxing with my fiancé, I looked down at my leg and noticed a very dark brown spot. I started to poke at it a bit, feeling to see if it was raised or flat. I think I irritated it pretty quickly, as it was stinging a bit and the skin around was red.
It’s small, as small as the last I had removed, but it’s so dark and irritated that I’m starting to panic. I don’t want to go to the doctor with the virus spreading, but my worries are starting up again.
Here’s a couple pics, both with flash. One’s not zoomed in, just a closeup, the other one I took zoomed in on it. Please ignore my spider veins, bad genetics 😞. https://imgur.com/a/y959qtJ

I keep checking it obsessively today. It’s a perfect circle, which is a good sign I think, but it’s just so dark. It’s not hurting anymore, just the normal irritation when I run my nail over it. I’m trying to get better at not rushing to worst case scenario.... but I could use some reassurance. As empathetic as my partner is, he doesn’t fully understand how my health anxiety progresses.
I’ve read that birth control can cause new, dark moles, or cause changes in moles that were already there. Honestly, I don’t know if it was there or not. has anyone else had a mole darken or pop up because of BC? It’s smaller than the end of a BIC mechanical pencil.

29-04-20, 23:58
Taking a closer look today.... it almost looks like it could maybe be a blood blister? Though I’m not sure why one would pop up. I have been mindlessly picking at some bites I’ve had on my legs, so I guess I could have irritated it enough to form a blood blister? I’m failing to stay calm ��

02-05-20, 07:17
Another update... doesn’t feel as raised, not as irritated when I run a nail over it. Still pretty dark. Hate this anxiety.

EDIT. Ran my nail over it before bed tonight and the edge felt a bit rough, like if you pick a scab. The flesh of the spot itself still feels like skin, so i don’t know what to think. Thought it looked like a crater for a sec, but fiancé said it looks like a normal mole: if anything he thinks it looks lighter, but was confused by the scab feeling. In an absolute panic and going to call the derm tomorrow. Please, any similar experiences?

03-05-20, 11:08
https://imgur.com/a/Oa27nBi another update. It seems like the top layer was a scab?? I’m freaked out!! I don’t know if I can sleep, I feel so sick....

14-05-20, 09:07
Don’t know if anyone else is going to reply, but...
Been a little over a week now. The spot, after the top layer there^ came off, was red for a bit. Slightly raised, still like a tiny blood blister. Now, it’s even smaller and just a normal brown scab. So odd... but I think it was a blood blister?