View Full Version : “Period Flu”

30-04-20, 01:51
Hello all! I have a question for the ladies in this forum. I am 24 years old. I have a one and a half year old son. Throughout my life my period has always been the same pretty much. I would be out for the count day one with cramps but then I would have no other symptoms. No PMS or anything like that. Ever since I had my son my period has completely changed. Every month I get a “period flu”. I PMS for About a week before I actually start. I am hungry, moody, I get headaches and very tired. When I start my period I am having almost flu like sickness. I am fatigued, achey, hot and sweaty (no fever) and I am getting headaches. I all around just feel like crap. Has anyone had their period symptoms change after having kids? Is the “period flu” a real thing? Thank you

30-04-20, 03:06
Your period changes over the years, and with the birth of children....actually it even changes as you age even if you don’t have children. And the PMS and period symptoms change too. I don’t have any kids, and as I’ve gotten older, I now have period flu with migraines.

09-05-20, 20:25
This sounds a lot like what I have. I have had two children and for the last 2 years have had sore throats,temperature spikes, headaches, lethargy, emotional, dizzy, achy I have even developed a cough sometimes, eat far too.much and generally feel.drained also have horrendous breast pain. Mine comes on about a week or so before and lasts all through. I thought it was all in my head. 😁

09-05-20, 21:53
Nope...and sometimes I've even gotten a bit depressed and emotional right after my period, versus before.

11-05-20, 16:24
Hi guys can I ask a quick question does tour period affect your core body temperature xx u know make it almost like a fever my temp is really high along with the other symptoms I explained. Feeling rough and scared

11-05-20, 17:51
Yes. Usually women are very warm when they’re menstruating.

11-05-20, 19:01
Thankyou for your reply xxx can I just ask this is before my period and my core temperature is 38.4 I have a headache sore throat, general.aches and pains

11-05-20, 21:24
I work with about 200 people a day, half of them women obviously, and that’s pretty normal. All the ladies usually feel like crap during that time.

11-05-20, 21:35
Is your temperature always that high just before your period? If so, I guess that's just one of those things and nothing to worry about.

If it's new, you probably just have a bit of a cold or maybe some mild flu? You should start to feel better in a few days 🙂 But speak to your doctor if you have a temperature like that for over two weeks.

Ordinarily, a woman's temperature is highest after she's ovulated, and then begins to drop again once she starts her period.

12-05-20, 00:12
The hot body temp you feel at ovulation is the spike of progesterone. When you start your period, your estrogen drops, and for many women, the body tries to compensate for those temperature fluxes with sweating and heat flushes.

16-05-20, 14:20
I’ve had period flu for the past few years and I constantly have to google to reassure myself it’s not just me. Literally could’ve written that post myself. Every month I get tired and headaches, sometimes achey and hot and sweaty although no actually temperature. I also get the period ibs thing, like going all the time but that’s related to hormonal changes too. My migraines are triggered by pms too. Oh it’s wonderful to be female 😂
I also have terrible breakouts on my period, it’s just a pain in general.

To sum up, it’s kinda normal for things to fluctuate and you’re definitely not alone

16-05-20, 18:15
Yes. My period knocks me out now. I'm 37, so my hormones are also probably more wacky at this point than yours, but my period changed a lot after I had my daughter 6 years ago. Like, Antsy, I also get depressed/anxious after my period even more so than before, which never happened when I was younger.

09-06-20, 06:07
I get depressed, flu like symptoms to the point I am sick to my tummy, body aches, higher body temp, faster heart rate, I am 47 and in perimenpause

24-11-20, 02:05
I had to look at this thread again, as I am now on day two and am freaking as I got sick to my stomach to where I threw up, chills, low back pain, was feeling hot now I am sitting here bundled up in a sweater and slippers, feeling tired and mild tummy pain, I know it's my period but my anxiety keeps wondering if it's something else.

05-12-20, 13:21
I don't have any kids so I can't speak on that front, but your period can certainly change over the years even without kids. I am also 24 and when I was a teen I had no PMS symptoms at all, just got cramps for most of my periods and maybe a spot or two on my face and that was it. When I hit my 20s, I suddenly started getting noticeable PMS symptoms. I mean they can vary from month to month but now I suffer from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, bloatedness, mood swings, breast swelling and pain and loss of interest in things before my period. Then the cramps start when the bleeding starts and the other symptoms go.
I have read periods ca change drastically after children - its a major change for the body after all. i would recommend speaking to a health advisor to get some advice on how to manage your symptoms.