View Full Version : medication change/coming off meds!!

31-01-05, 10:01
i have been on effexor for 5 years after initially suffering from anxiety which started as nausea vomiting diarrhoea and subsequent weight loss off 3/4 of a stone.at that time i was investigated for gastrointestinal problems and had gastroscopies/colonoscopies etc.after i realised and admitted to myself that it was anxiety i went on to effexor and felt "normal" within 3 weeks.out of the blue a few weeks ago the symptoms came back and not wanting to go back to my original state my gp changed me over to celexa . i did not taper across from one med to another .(i am well aware of the withdrawal associated effexor). after one day of celexa i was in an acute anxiety state being sent home from work and after accessing the pschiatric services was given buspar and zimovane to tide me over. i think i was going cold turkey from the effexor and experiencing "the worse before it gets better" syndrome of the celexa. it was a horrible week. i now feel open to other forms of treatment and am seeing a psychiatrist for cbt.i feel i want my own body chemistry back. do you think this is acheivable after so long on meds?? also does anyone else suffer with actual vomiting /diarrhoea to the extent tha t again i have lost nearly half a stone this week and although i am vastly improved still have nausea where i am forcing myself to eat and revolting diarrhoea?is this common?i am about to go back to work later but am feeling anxious that once i get there i'll freak out again , like last week. i am desperate to be rid of anxiety . i am a very positive person normally and want to live life to the full. any suggestions??
p.s excellent website very positive!!!!


31-01-05, 10:13
Hi Morris

Welcome to the site, you will find lots of help and support here. I'm sorry I can't help with the medication side as I have only taken herbal remedies. When my anxietty was acute I lost 20Ibs over a very short period of time. Ilike you had a funny tummy and actually vomitted on occasions due to the knots in my stomach.
Good luck with going back to work, I had a particularly bad attack in work but never avoided going there, it was really tough at times but it is really important not to avoid places where you have had an attack as the longer you leave it the harder it becomes to go back.
You sound very positive about your recovery and that is half the battle conquered.
You could have irritable bowel syndrome which would expalin your symptoms and is a very common symptom of anxiety.

Hope I make some sense and that what I've said has helped a little.

Take care-stay positive

Elaine x

31-01-05, 12:17
Sickenss and diarrhoea are common anxiety symptoms anyway.

Celexa is well tolerated by many people.

The most frequent side effects reported with Celexa are nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness, insomnia, increased sweating, tremor and diarrhoea.
(These seem to be common side effects no matter which drugs you are taking.)

I would have a word with your doctor and see if he can give you something to help with the Sickenss and diarrhoea.

I do think it is possible to get your body chemisty back.
I have been off an on medications for years and I always return back to "normal".

CBT is an excellent way to start trying to do things for yourself.
It is not to everyones liking, but well worth a go.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

01-02-05, 15:04

Little and often with food and follow a GI diet to ensure you keep your blood sugar stable as well as incorporating the IBS recommendatiosn - never mind whether you've been diagnosed it or not- it can help . Forget full meals altogether for a few weeks. 6 smaller meals

Tonic water when nausea starts and try to keep those burps coming up .

Bananas and eggs help the diarrhoea as well as actimel and aloe vera juice ( yuk- but good)

CBT is a great start


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

01-02-05, 17:49
Hi Morris

As suggested eat little and often to help the sickness/diarhhoea.

As for the worry of going back to work, have you got some Rescue Remedy that you can sip in some water.

Hope you feel better soon.


02-02-05, 14:27
i lost alot of weight a couple of years ago because of vomiting all the time. I think i lost about 2.5 stone before i went to the doctor. I aint nice but now im on a diet to lose weight. Try not to worry too much about your weight. Little and often with food is the right way. Alot in a short space of time can make u feel really bad

02-02-05, 15:06
I take Loperamide for diarrhoea. It works a treat and has no side effects that I am aware of.

02-02-05, 18:32
i go the other way where i cant go to the loo and im sure the build up of toxins cannot be healthy as i feel terrible all tired and bloated and not daring to eat til i got rid of some already in there

fan x