View Full Version : a message of thanks for this site

16-10-07, 17:12
i am not cured of my problems, thats why i am still searching for help from this site. and without fail i find some peace of mind each post i need to make. i just want to say thankyou, and would like everyone to reply with a thankyou or anything for the no more panic site, and for all of the people that have helped me and you when we most needed it.

so, thankyou all that have helped me, we are all one, and thats great to know.xx

16-10-07, 17:31
I second that,What a fantastic site full of great people who all help each other out when the going gets tough for us.

A BIG BIG thankyou to this site and the people who make this site what it is!!!!.Without it i honestly dont know what id do!!!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

16-10-07, 17:35
Here Here :D

group hug :hugs:

anx xx

16-10-07, 17:53
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


16-10-07, 18:01
Thank You For This Site


16-10-07, 19:49
Isn't it so reassuring when loads of peope on the site have exact same symptoms/problem as you - sounds a bit selfish I know but it is so reassruing that you are not alone.

Everyone is so friendly as well - yippeee:yesyes:

16-10-07, 21:16
a mass love in for the site!!
:hugs::yesyes::hugs::yesyes::hugs::yesyes::hugs::y esyes::hugs::yesyes::hugs::yesyes:

16-10-07, 21:58
We have some fantastic people on this site that give up their time tirelessly to help others.

So from me I would like to say a BIG thanks to all the members, moderators and admins.

Without you all there wouldn't be NMP so everyone is special on here.

Cheers all :bighug1: :bighug:

16-10-07, 22:13
I can't emphasise enough how much NMP has helped me and for that I'm eternally grateful. Every member on here helps make NMP what it is and for that I think there's cause for hugs all round.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I want to thank Nic and Alex who put every spare minute into this site and also the other admins for making me feel so welcome.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-10-07, 01:19
yes this a wonderful site full of fantastic people.

luv n hugs

bet :flowers: