View Full Version : Pulse checking

16-10-07, 22:01
ok, who suffers from adrenaline & palpitations which makes you constantly check your pulse rate???

Im asking cause I do & id like to know if its onyl me etc... :blush:

16-10-07, 22:14

You are not alone

scroll down to the bottom of the screen and read the "similar threads"

Personally I don't do it but loads do.

16-10-07, 22:31
Hi Peter,

I get palpitations however Im the opposite, Im terrified to check my pulse...it just freaks me out. But as Nicola says its not just you, many do it!!!

take care

Shaz x

17-10-07, 04:40
i used to be a big time pulse checker. like every 10 minutes or more depending on how i felt. But, about a week ago i decided i just had to stop doing it, it was a habit born from panic attacks and unless i quit it i would never be free from them. So, having stopped for a week now i have had less anxiety and panic attacks and have felt somewhat better. Out of sight out of mind, well out of mind out of fear! hope that helps you somewhat!

17-10-07, 04:47
I have always had the palpitations but wasn't really a pulse checker until a week ago when the beats started really bad, since then i check my pulse whenever i get them then freak myself out even more. Can't win!

Take care

17-10-07, 11:58
Yes I used to do that. It was long before I knew I had anxiety, but was having lots of palpitations and dizzy spells, and thought I was dying etc etc.

Every time I felt my pulse, it was irregular, which frightened me more.

The minute I stopped checking, it all got better. I had ECG's etc which showed there was nothing wrong, and it was all put down to stress.

I know it's hard, but I truly believe the more you focus on it, the worse it gets. Try your hardest to stop checking your pulse and hopefully you'll start to feel better :)

Nowadays I very rarely get palpitations, and it's usually when I'm really stressed out.

Good luck and I hope you are feeling much better soon xxx

richard sharp
17-10-07, 18:52
im always checking my pulse..... as if its going to make a difference. then, as tracy says, it makes me freak out when i feel beats are being missed.

17-10-07, 22:50
Im always doing 30+ times a day.If i feel my pulse too slow i think my hearts gonna stop.If i feel its to fast i stress too,i just cant win!!!!!!!!!!!:shrug: :shrug:

19-10-07, 19:13
Thanks everyone. Im gonna try it...wish me luck!! :)

19-10-07, 21:05
I have had a lifelong problem with palpitations (have discovered that alcohol, spicy foods, and sudafed trigger them!) and was a CONSTANT checker. I used to count my pulse rate dozens of times a day. You're definitely not alone!