View Full Version : New and Scared

17-10-07, 09:46
Firstly hi everyone- ive been reading a few posts and think this is the place which can hopefully help me. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure back in August and since finding this out it has started a whole new catalogue of anxiety/panic attacks. I had them many years ago and they had subsided until now. I am worried about my BP, therefor this hasd now triggered the attacks off. I have currently just got back to work after 4 days off due to feeeling sick, tired,heavy limbs, and although was told by my GP my blood tests all come back clear, still feel really down and feel like everything is on top of me. When im busy doing things im fine- and feel great but when it comes to going to work (i am alone in an office-prob doesnt help) i start to get that dreaded feeling over me that im ill and something will happen i.e panic attack! Please tell me im not going mad and there is a way over this? thanks x

17-10-07, 10:24
Welcome to No More Panic Teddy Bear. You have certainly found a lifeline here! it has helped me to keep going through some tough times and I have met some fantastic people here!!!In the chat room there is usually a lot of fun and banter but you can go to the 'help' room if you need support. Saturday is quiz night at 9.00 pm. You will get loads of moral support here!

Bearcrazy xxxxxxx

17-10-07, 14:11
Hi Teddy bear, don't be scared you are not going mad I used to think that too but it is just anxiety. hope you get some help soon.
Lesleyb:hugs: :hugs:

17-10-07, 14:33
Hello Teddybear

Welcome to NMP. I hope that you enjoy your stay.
You will meet alot of great people here and there is alot of advice.

Check out the self help section on main forum.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better

17-10-07, 18:57
Hi Teddybear(love the name by the way)

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP also, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends:hugs:

Your certainly not alone in the way you are feeling:hugs:


17-10-07, 20:07
Hi there and :welcome:

Are you on any medication for your high blood pressure at all?

Hope we can be of some help on here.

17-10-07, 20:16
Hi teddybear and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)