View Full Version : Male or Female Gp's which are best?

17-10-07, 10:33
I have recently satrted seeing a female GP after years of seeing a male wh just kept increasing my meds every time i went. She has helped me reduce from 60mg of temazepam to 6 mg of diazepam so far and got me in to see a psychiatrist in 2 months. I wondered which sex GP other people have found most supportive.

17-10-07, 13:09
Generally I prefer male doctors or don't really mind what sex they are as long as they are good but as far as anxiety issues go I have found female doctors to be far more supportive than male docs so I have voted female.

Lisa x

17-10-07, 13:40
thanx for your vote quirky :yesyes:

17-10-07, 14:04
I Say Female For Me......cause She Can Relate To My Women Probs And Is Just More Understanding And More Patient......but I Guess It Does Depend If There Just Good Thats My Opinion Anyways............linda Xxx

20-10-07, 20:50
I answerd 'male' as I'm lucky to have had the same two male doctors since my first panic attack in 1987!! Both give sound advice and are more likely to send me to the gym than give me meds!! That said, they both seem to see the warning signs before I do, and will advise on medication if and when it's needed.

Take care

21-10-07, 06:07
Hi bear - I haven't voted 'cos I'm not sure theres a real distinction. Not with anxiety anyway.

I'm sure ladies would prefer a lady doctor for smears and other stuff I know nothing about. I went with my other half for her last 2 tests of this type and sat at the head end with her head on my lap. I can understand why there may be a distinction in some circumstances.

As for Anxiety, its took me ages to find a good GP. He happend to be a man. He retires in 2 weeks, so I'm now looking around and taking advice once more. Male or female is irrelevant to me - understaning and empathy is everything.

I'll keep you posted about my next doc, but I have no preference so long as they can actually understand me and not start writing a prescription out before I've even sat down.


21-10-07, 10:21
Mine's great - she's a sufferer too so she understands.
A normal person has no idea what we go through
Phill :shades:

17-10-08, 13:38
No difference in my experience. I find doctors generally are trained in "people skills" much better than they used to be (one of the few things that's got better in this country!) and most doctors I've seen of either sex have been pretty sympathetic.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
21-10-08, 10:12
Kind of depends really doesn't it?
But in my experience Female, also younger ones are more understanding.

For my drinking problem I first saw a Male GP in his late 50's, sat back in his chair and folded his arms and said, well Wayne, drinking is a huge problem in this Country!

Right ok, thanks Doc for that, walked out feeling let down, he done nothing.

Saw a young female GP later and refered me to an alcohol unit and in detox within 10 Weeks.

21-10-08, 12:20
My actual GP is a guy and i would go to him for everything apart from "ladies" issues. He is very young and although i don't question his professionalism for a second, i personally prefer a women on those odd occasions.

He is totally understanding and has been nothing but 100% supportive through my troubles with agoraphobia and panic.

I love my doctor and i am seeing him today (for my son this time!!!!).

I am going to vote MALE, because that is who i see most of the time.

21-10-08, 12:29
I would have voted male up to recently as I've had a brilliant GP for the past almost 20 years. However, he's on leave at the moment and I saw a lady in his place. She was absolutely wonderful and whilst I will go back to the main man again, I would feel happier seeing her for 'women's problems'!

21-10-08, 12:34
at the moment neither for me seen both in past few weeks and neither was much help

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
22-10-08, 10:17
Hi Amanda, are there any other GP's you can see in your surgery?
Sometimes it takes a few visits to different GP's to find the one for you.

I have seen about 5 different GP's in my local surgery, best one Female in her late 20's

22-10-08, 14:19
I have a favourite at my GP's. SHe is female but I think I connect to her because she has had a tough time in life and therefore has personal experience of things not being good. She is going on maternity leave soon and goodness knows what I'll do then....