View Full Version : Lots of supraclavicular nodes!

04-05-20, 18:46
Hey everyone,

I’m just having a horrid bout of anxiety regarding my health. I’m not sure if it’s real or perceived. Please help me out and let me know if I should take these concerns to the doctor. I currently have 3 left sipraclavicular node swellings, 1 right supraclavicular node swelling and a bunch everyone else on my neck which don’t scare me as much.

The right supraclavicular is the largest. It’s about 1cm. Every single node is movable. The left ones aren’t too big. One swelled due to a vaccination and has since gone down. Should I go to the doctor about my right supraclavicular node or just leave it? I want to know if I’m overreacting because now I can’t tell. I do have a lot of rashes on my neck and do get breast cysts with my period and I know the supraclaviculars drain the breast. Am I just a lymph “node-y” person? Are there such people? Lol

04-05-20, 20:58
If they've been there over two weeks, I think it's definitely worthwhile going to your doctor (if you haven't been already).

Doesn't mean it's anything bad, but it's always wise to check lumps that don't go away.

I've had my nodes for three months now, and got my diagnosis - not cancer!

04-05-20, 21:39
Hey Katniss

Did these nodes pop up over night?

Are these the same nodes you've been worried about for the past several months?

Were you digging around your supraclavicular area and discovered these?

Best Wishes

04-05-20, 22:05
No, not overnight. One of the left has been around since November. Two on the left have been around since December (they were from the flu shot because they hurt, for huge and then went down). The one on the right is new. But I felt it properly and it’s small actually. Should I get it checked?

04-05-20, 22:43
When you say "new", what do you mean? You looked in the mirror this morning and saw it protruding from your neck or you were doing a self exam and felt it?

04-05-20, 23:20
I was doing a self-check :(

If it were on any other part of my neck I wouldn’t worry but why my supraclavicular?

04-05-20, 23:59
I have such a horrid rash on my neck from the heat (went out yesterday and we were enjoying a lovely 20 degree Sunday in Toronto). I get reaction to the heat. I’m wondering if my lymph nodes have swollen because of this horrid rash on my neck n chest?

05-05-20, 00:43
I have such a horrid rash on my neck from the heat (went out yesterday and we were enjoying a lovely 20 degree Sunday in Toronto). I get reaction to the heat. I’m wondering if my lymph nodes have swollen because of this horrid rash on my neck n chest?

It's possible, but I still think you should get a doctor to check. I really do think that a doctor should look at any lumps that have stuck around for more than a couple of weeks. Even if they're not getting bigger.

I've read a bunch of posts from people whose nodes and symptoms sounded much dodgier than yours, and they were fine, but the only person who can really put your mind at rest is a doctor.

05-05-20, 01:40
Gosh, really? I guess I could set up an appointment. I just saw her two weeks ago. Although we have free healthcare in Canada I don’t like overburdening the doc. I only go if necessary for myself (which still ends up being quite a few times a year unfortunately). I end up going every 5 to 6 months. You guys seriously think I should go for this? It can’t be a watch and wait situation?

05-05-20, 03:07

In all honesty, what response are you looking for from us? It sounds as though you're looking for us to tell you everything is OK and you don't need to worry. At the end of the day, that is just reassurance seeking and is only feeding your HA dragon. If you go to the doctor and get the all clear will you take the steps necessary to get your HA under control or will you continue self-checking and worrying? On the other hand, if you watch and wait, are you going to spend that time obsessing over the nodes, checking them frequently, and questioning if you're making the right decision? Ultimately, you need to work on your anxiety and begin practicing challenging your unhelpful thoughts.

Best Wishes

05-05-20, 09:38
You could watch and wait if you'd prefer... you'd know pretty quickly if you had high-grade lymphoma because the lumps would get a lot bigger and you'd get other symptoms!

Even low-grade lymphoma or metastatic lumps would probably get bigger over a six month period. But I feel like maybe you'd just be spending all your time worrying about that!

I'm not saying I think it's cancer, or anything like that, just that naturally anybody with HA would have those thoughts going through their mind.

I stand by my statement that lumps should be checked by a doctor, HA or not. You just need to then trust your doctor and let it go if they say it's nothing. I really don't think your doctor will think you're a burden - doctors WANT you to go in if you have new lumps.

That's what I'd do, anyway.

If you do want to wait then of course you can, and if there's no change in size or new symptoms then you're probably fine, but you need to be sure that you won't be stressing about it the whole time!

05-05-20, 20:12
Thank you for replying guys. I really appreciate it.

Thank God the node on the right is almost gone. I don’t even know if it was a lymph node or muscle knot.. I have no idea. It’s really soft and squishy now. It’s movable and still there but smaller. The left ones are smaller too. I guess they were reacting to the rash (as I had previously thought). This goes to show that Google is NOT always right. Even when it comes to the worst case scenario, it’s not always right. I just wish I was strong enough to not google. That’s my re-wiring assignment for this week

05-05-20, 21:40
Thank you for replying guys. I really appreciate it.

Thank God the node on the right is almost gone. I don’t even know if it was a lymph node or muscle knot.. I have no idea. It’s really soft and squishy now. It’s movable and still there but smaller. The left ones are smaller too. I guess they were reacting to the rash (as I had previously thought). This goes to show that Google is NOT always right. Even when it comes to the worst case scenario, it’s not always right. I just wish I was strong enough to not google. That’s my re-wiring assignment for this week

That's great 🙂

If they're going away then it's all good. They were probably reactive nodes like you say, or maybe not even nodes at all.