View Full Version : Need Help Rationalizing

04-05-20, 22:28
I can’t find the Covid thread so I’m just going to word vomit here lol I’m so anxious I can’t even handle it. Let me preface with a few things. Okay I live in CA a small county that has 153 cases and no new cases as of like last week. It’s been hot and windy and spring has definitely sprung around here. I can see cottonwood in the air. I’ve been working out outside and running and what not because no gyms. Well, this morning I got up and my throat feels funny. Kinda dry and irritated. Idk how else to describe it but I’m panicking. My eyes feel a little itchy. I don’t feel feverish or anything. But I’m freaking out. I’ve been so good like haven’t gone into stores or anything but on Saturday we went to our best friends house to help put up a pool and we bbqd. Before we went over there I asked if they were healthy and if things were clean and they so were. Everything was fine but here I am freaking out because now I’m home alone all week and I’m scared. My husband is saying it’s allergies. The pollen counts are soooo high. But I’m still scared. If anyone could help me rationalize that would be great. I’m worried about possibly getting it and bad things happening.

04-05-20, 22:41
Hi there!

I’ve been exactly where you are regarding covid fears and it’s absolutely awful - i worry about my health 24/7 anyway so it’s hell on earth lol!

If it’s helps here In the Uk the pollen count is high and my hayfever is really bad I have all the same symptoms . I’ve taken some anti histamines this has been about 4 weeks now and I’m still fine

I hope you are feeling better soon.

04-05-20, 22:49
A small county that has 153 cases and no new cases as of like last week.

It’s been hot and windy and spring has definitely sprung around here. I can see cottonwood in the air. I’ve been working out outside and running and what not because no gyms.

My eyes feel a little itchy. I don’t feel feverish or anything.

On Saturday we went to our best friends house to help put up a pool and we bbqd. Before we went over there I asked if they were healthy and if things were clean and they so were. Everything was fine

My husband is saying it’s allergies. The pollen counts are soooo high.


You have 5 incredibly solid, personal statements to help you rationalize. Use those to challenge your anxious thoughts and hold on them as reality.

Best Wishes